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    sarah480's Avatar
    sarah480 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 28, 2014, 03:42 PM
    HELP my parents think I have autism?
    I think it all started when I was younger. Ever since I was little everyone around me was so judgemental and I guess that made me shy and also I'm mostly shy around my parents probably because when I was younger they would always go like "why did you do this" or "dont say things like that" and I didn't want to make them anymore upset so I just became more shy around my parents. Like when I'm at school I'm not as shy maybe only a little but no I have friends in school and what I mean about being shy around my parents is that I feel awkward talking to other people in front of my parents. Not shy talking to them. So I guess my parents saw that and now they think I'm autistic because of that they won't accept my personality for who I was I may not be as outgoing as others but that doesn't mean I'm autistic! I know and met people who have autism. I am not like that at all. I don't bang my head around or things like that. Also, my parents have taken me for an autism test they said I didn't have it but my parents are still so convinced I'm autistic and keeps taking me for tests until one will say that I am. I know you guys may say things like, tell my parents what I just said above what happened when I was little but I already did and they don't think that's what's making me shy they think I am shy because they think I'm autistic. But no I know some other kids who are shy that are not autistic. I still care about people. I have feelings for people. I can communicate like everyone else. My parents just don't see that. I can't wait for the day to come that my parents will finally realize I'm not autistic and I may be a bit shy but that's just who I am.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
    Jobs & Parenting Expert

    Jul 28, 2014, 03:59 PM
    If you don't have autistic characteristics, you aren't autistic. I'm married to a guy who has Asperger's, and our older son is autistic. Neither of them "bang their heads around." It sounds like both you and your parents need some education as to what autism is. Being shy isn't really one of the characteristics. It's a lot more complicated than that. And if no one was shy, what a noisy world this would be!

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