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Dead Sea Salt for use in my salt water pool?
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Hi, I am converting my swimming pool (25000 gallons of water) into a salt water pool. I just bought the Jandy generator and I need to get 80 lbs of salt ( I think) . It clearly states to get 100 percent NAC1. Can I use Dead Sea Salt?
Salt from water softener contaminated hot water pipes
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Since I could not lift bags of salt to fill the container of my water softener, I just unplugged the softener instead of turning off the main valve; therefore, apparently the water continued to flow through the remaining salt until it was gone. In the last year, I have been through two brand new...
Salt/Sand particles in water, low water pressure
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This evening we noticed that the main kitchen sink lost all pressure and sand/salt was appearing in the water from all sinks/showers. How is this happening and how do you fix it?
Rainsoft Water Softener - Salt tank not filling with water?
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Put a bag of salt in my softener today and it appeared to be way over the brine level. Checked on it a few hours later and still had dry pellets on top. Manually regenerated the system - no fill. Letting it go through its cycle now, but wondering if there's something I'm overlooking. There's...
Describe a fresh water or salt water life zone within or adjacent to the rain forest
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