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    vks64's Avatar
    vks64 Posts: 59, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Sep 26, 2020, 11:59 AM
    Count the consecutive number of positive and negative cells from the current date
    Count the consecutive number of positive and negative cells from the current date(from the left) and its sum in excel sheet
    I have attached a excel worksheet showing the daily variation in sales (in percentage) of six persons A to F. The cells are formatted in blue and red colors to highlight the positive/negative trend in sales.
    Now I require the following:
    1) Formula to work out the No of number of positive cells from the current date(latest)day (from the left from B1 cell to K1 cell)
    2) Formula to work out the No of number of negative cells from the current date(latest)day (from the left from B1 cell to K1 cell)
    3) The formula to calculate the sum of consecutive positive cells/ negative cells from the current date and result exhibited as required as in answer sheet please.
    4) Formula to work out the total number of positive and negative days in each row as required in the answer sheet

    Thanks in advance!!!
    Attached Files
  1. File Type: zip count the cell colors by (106.4 KB, 17 views)

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