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    vks64's Avatar
    vks64 Posts: 59, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Apr 14, 2017, 09:42 AM
    Sub: data to be Updated automatically under the respective heads in an excel sheet
    I have enclosed a Question Summary in MS word to describe the question in detail
    I have also enclosed one excel table to describe the question and answer required in data format.
    I want a query/ macro to do the following in an automated mode:

    Q1: The Excel table contains one worksheet titled master sheet and another worksheet titled data-sheet which is generated every day.
    It also contains answer sheets which are titled master sheet (revised), OP, HIGH, LOW and CP.
    In this regard,
    1) I want the data to be Updated automatically under the respective heads by
    Excluding(deleting) the data relating to the oldest date
    And including(adding) data relating to the latest date
    So that the total number of columns in Mastersheet remains unchanged. (as in Ans-Mastersheet)
    2) I also want the data to be Updated automatically under the respective heads as an additional column in the work sheets OP, HIGH, LOW and CP. (as in Ans- OP, HIGH, LOW and CP)

    Q2: I want to extract data relating to specified (fixed) number of columns from the worksheets OP, HIGH, LOW and CP in an automated mode.
    For Example,
    From worksheet on OP, Extract the following:
    (I) extract last 5 column from the end(latest & last 5 columns)
    (ii) extract first 5 column from the beginning(oldest & first 5 columns)
    (iii) extract any ‘n’ number of columns specified from any date to any other date (here in the example from ‘OP-30-3’ to ‘OP-7-4’ column)

    Note: The answer sheets should get automated as and when the data-sheet is replaced for the next date on a daily basis.
    With regards,
    Attached Files
  1. File Type: zip Query sum (12.3 KB, 32 views)
  2. File Type: zip Q&A (73.7 KB, 30 views)

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