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    varadhu's Avatar
    varadhu Posts: 14, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 24, 2016, 09:55 AM
    How to find the value relevant to its index value in a excel sheet
    Dear Members,

    sub: submitting revised question to the members

    I am compiling a statistics relating to evaluation of Schools based on various Tests (each on a maximum of 200) on a quarterly basis, the total score relating to each School was exhibited in “column H” of the table I.
    The highest and lowest marks (max/min) so far recorded by the Schools during any period was also exhibited in the table I.
    The max and min marks obtained by the Schools are further distributed into various levels from 0 to 100 for comparison.
    The index value for the current performance (marks) obtained by the Schools are worked out automatically by a formula pasted in "column S" of the table. (answer table).
    I enclose herewith a model excel table for better understanding.

    Now on the reverse, I want to locate the marks relating to every School relevant to its index value (in col S), to be identified from "columns L to R" and exhibited as in "column T" of table II.
    Please help me with a formula for the above.
    With regards,
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