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Revolutionary war
[ 9 Answers ]
It is imprtant for armies to have "game plans" so they can work together on different fronts at the same time. Why didn't that work for german's plans?
Revolutionary War
[ 2 Answers ]
Why did the colonists declare Independence when the British were taking money from them because the previous war was for them and the British needed money. Also it's not like most colonists couldn't pay for it so why did they start war?
Revolutionary war
[ 2 Answers ]
I have a speech due for my college class and was wondering if you could tell me where I could maybe conduct an interview with someone who knew a lot about the revolutionary war. I don't know where to begin but I would appreciate any feedback. Daughters of the american revolution? Thanks
Revolutionary war
[ 1 Answers ]
Can someone please help me with the following question. Were the promises of the Revolutionary War fulfilled in its aftermath, specifically during the period from 1789-1828? To what degree had society and politics changed? View more questions Search