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Children's educational video from early 90s
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I have been trying to figure out for so long the name of this movie I was in love with as a kid. I believe it came out in the early 90s and was targeted for 5 year olds. It's about a lady who has lots of stripes with colors. And she goes around this place meeting all diff families with only one...
80's, maybe 90's educational video about bullying or hate
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Hi, I have been thinking about this for years and I still can only remember the ending of the film. I don't recall if it was regarding bullying or just hate in general. The ending of the film had a bunch of students who clearly disliked each other waiting around staring at the clock for the...
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I was watching some old educational videos the other day that I used to watch when I was a kid and can't seem to figure out this particular one I am missing. If anyone can help, that would be nice. All I really remember is that it was in a small classroom and the teacher was female. She taught...
Old educational video from the 80's. PLEASE HELP!
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HELP! I am trying to figure out what the name of an old children's educational video I used to have. All I can remember is that it was puppets and about letters and numbers. I remember very vague things like a guy getting angry, or upset all the time. A guy driving a delivery truck, sheep counting,...
Name of a Children's Educational Video from the 80's.
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Ok so when I was first learning my ABC's I had a video that I watched all the time so it would have been in the mid to late 80's possibly early 90's... Anyways the video had a little man that went to space and he would do his abc's and you'd have to trace the letters in the air with him and it was... View more questions Search
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