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Italian immigration law- can an American become Italian based on bloodline
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Hi I currently hold an American passport as I was born there in 1964. My father is Italian by birth and my grandparents the same. My mother is British. I left America in 1965 and have lived in the UK with both parents ever since. I have Indefinite leave to Remain. I do not hold British...
Why does my sister get an American ringing tone on her Italian phone line?
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My sisters boyfriend in the US rings her when travelling by dialling his home number & automatically rerouting the call to Italy. This worked fine until 6 months ago. Now she hears an American ringing tone when he calls,& when she picks up the line goes dead. If he keeps ringing, up to...
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Problems with Executor of Estate not signing sales contract for real estate
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My sister and I are the beneficiaries of our mothers will. She died when I was 17 and left my sister and I half of her estate, and named her doctor as the executor. I am now 22 and my sister is 20 (21 next month). We all agreed (verbally) to sell the family house to our father for $125k. He... View more questions Search