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I used to read this book back in elementary school. It's a children's Book.Can you help
[ 1 Answers ]
It's about a poor wandering boy that's hungry who winds up at this ugly old woman's house and asks for food but she only has these different types of vegetables and other thing. They decide to make a soup and they begin to put different things from vegetables to a dogs chewed up bone
Children's book with rabbit and daisies on cover
[ 3 Answers ]
Looking for a children's book - probably about 14" tall by 10" wide. Cover has a large bunny standing upright with a field of daisies behind him. No idea of title. :confused: Sorry I can't be more specific. Bought it in the early 90's but no idea when it was published.
Board game name
[ 1 Answers ]
I would like the name and maker of a board game we bought for our daughter in the mid 1990's. There were four game pieces that were princesses, named Rose, Amber, Skye, and Violet. The game was a castle that set up in the bottom of the game box. It had a magic wand that you would stick in holes on... View more questions Search