New Member
Dec 2, 2006, 02:52 PM
Ok can someone please answer this question for me?
Ok,I've always heard that ou should brush your hair 100times every night and for the past... while... I've been doing that,but I just got to know,why should you brush your hair every night for 100 times?What does it do to your hair?Ugh, I'm confused. Thanks you guyz.
I regard all beings mostly by their consciousness and little else
Dec 2, 2006, 03:09 PM
No need to email when we can aswer you here? One hundred strokes is an old custom. It was more commonly practiced back when hygiene habits were different and bathing was not as daily. Brushing was a means to remove dirt, much like is done to clean horse or dog coats. It was also meant to distribute scalp oil evenly through the hair to condition it. Today we have daily bathing, better shampoos and cetainly conditioners to do that.
New Member
Dec 2, 2006, 07:13 PM
 Originally Posted by twizted_41301
Ok,i've always heard that ou should brush your hair 100times everynight and for the past....while...i've been doing that,but I just got to know,why should you brush your hair everynight for 100 times?What does it do to your hair?Ugh, i'm confused. Thanks you guyz.
That's basically an old wive's tale. You don't need to brush your hair that much, in fact, that much brushing could hurt it. The reason behind it is to distribute the oil throughout the hair better. The hair's natural oil is a great conditioner, that's why shampooing everyday is not recommened for everybody. The natural oils need to be present for shiny health hair. Too much shampooing rids the hair of its oil. Just brush normally, and forget the 100 strokes rule.
Dec 3, 2006, 12:28 AM
Brushing helps spread the natural oils through hair, making it look shinier and healthier. However, too much brushing can split and thin the hair. To keep hair soft and shiny, use a good conditioner. You can also use hair serum or pomade if you want your hair to look shiny and smooth.
New Member
Dec 4, 2006, 11:48 PM
Hey thank you all for helping me... I've quit brushin my hair now!. Umm let me rephrase that LOl... I've quit brushing my hair that much now.. thank you all!
New Member
Sep 27, 2010, 12:32 PM
Comment on twizted_41301's post
That's OK hun . Start from the bottom and work your way up to the roots that way you won't pull your hair out
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