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    jinxprotocol's Avatar
    jinxprotocol Posts: 28, Reputation: 5
    New Member

    Sep 2, 2009, 10:19 AM
    Internet Connection Keeps Dropping
    My internet connection keeps dropping off on me, and I wonder if it's my modem - a Linksys BEFCMU10 - that's doing it. I have internet through Comcast, and the cable programming itself seems to be working just fine.

    The coax runs from the wall to a splitter and then from the splitter to the TV and Modem, so if there is a problem with the connection, it should be affecting both, right?

    I've had the modem for about three years now and I've never had any problems with it, ever. Has it just finally given out on me, or is there something else I can look for? I'm not very good with modems and internet connection stuff, so if there's something I'm overlooking, please let me know. Thanks so much.
    twinkiedooter's Avatar
    twinkiedooter Posts: 12,172, Reputation: 1054
    Uber Member

    Sep 2, 2009, 10:26 AM

    I had a problem with the internet dumping me all the time when I had a dial up connection. I figured out my problem finally after about a year of utter frustration. It was how I had loaded my PC after it had gotten a virus. I cleaned my hard disk completely and loaded up everything all over again from scratch. What I had done was had an internet conenction when I was loading up my programs after loading the O/S. That was the cause of my problem.

    If you have not had to reload all of your programs due to a virus, then your modem took a dump on you. Do you have broadband or just the equivalent to dial up? Big difference. Since I got broadband or DSL from the phone company I have had no problems whatsoever with being dumped off the net.

    Also modems to go bad, especially the ones that are not built into your PC if it is a wireless connection as well.

    Let me know and I'll try to help you figure out the problem.
    jinxprotocol's Avatar
    jinxprotocol Posts: 28, Reputation: 5
    New Member

    Sep 4, 2009, 10:59 AM

    I have cable internet through Comcast, supposedly with one of the fastest connections they offer. I don't know that it has anything to do with the computer settings, because it's the modem itself that keeps dropping the connection.

    If I unplug the Modem and the 4-way Router - both Linksys - they usually work for about ten minutes, and then the connection drops again.

    Update: I just plugged the modem/router up in the kitchen, without a splitter, and it seems to be working fine. I think maybe the connection coming in from the wall in the living room might be screwed up, so I'm going to investigate further.

    Does that sound like a likely problem? Is there a way to fix the wall connection without calling the cable company?
    twinkiedooter's Avatar
    twinkiedooter Posts: 12,172, Reputation: 1054
    Uber Member

    Sep 4, 2009, 02:07 PM

    If you pay for the net through the cable company and it's their modem, I'd call them and have them come and do a trouble shoot. More than likely it's the modem gone bad.

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