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  • May 7, 2019, 03:21 AM
    Should we call the Police ?
    Hello everyone !

    There has been this "bulldog" well actually he is some sort of PUG .

    He has been terrorizing our neighborhood since he moved in almost 2 Months ago ,
    He has been on an Drunk Rampage for the past 7 days , last Monday he came
    To us knocking at our Door asking us if we have a "cup of sugar" we told him that we
    Don't have any and also asked him pollitely if he could leave , the next Day he asked
    Us if we have sugar again and then told us that we were lying .

    We don't know what to do about him we just don't feel safe at night anylonger , since
    He mainly leaves the house at night ( around 20:30 ) and only acts when there is no
    Evidence or when he has some sort of alliby .

    He mainly abducts People from the ages of 18 and Above ( mainly Prostitutes ) .

    He collects Rocks and Sticks and showcases his collection by glueing rocks and sticks
    Onto his Window , he also has a Wood Block in front of his door .

    He once told me he had a quarter and asked if he could have another one ,
    He also has the abillity to shapeshift into a Pellet ,
    He dissolves his Enemies in Acid .

    I saw him yesterday wearing black sunglasses while he was yelling at Cars to off and even threw rocks at the windows .

    Our community is in danger whe don't know what to do we are helpless , the Police declines to come visit him since they have been talking to him multiple times without having any evidenence whatsoever about him being an "evil doer" whatsoever...

    Please Help us ! Best Regards ! - Thanks!
  • May 7, 2019, 03:53 AM
    "He mainly abducts People from the ages of 18 and Above ( mainly Prostitutes )" - that is a serious allegation and one that shouldn't be made if you don't have evidence to back that up. I would think if you had the evidence you would have given it to the police and your issue would be solved.

    Because someone knocks at your door there is no law that says you have to open it. Sadly someone been a nuisance is not a crime. So limit your exposure to him. How old is this person?
  • May 7, 2019, 06:00 AM
    23 years old.
  • May 7, 2019, 07:34 AM
    He shape shifts? Have you witnessed this phenomenon?

    Have you seen him dissolve people in acid?

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