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  • Nov 5, 2017, 04:38 AM
    My notes on paper get blurred with time due to humidity.Is there a way to prevent tha
    My notes on paper get blurred with time due to humidity.Is there a way to prevent that happening.I write a lot so using expensive special ink is is not helping. Currently I use sealed bags to put my notes.Is there a way to restore damaged notes? I use bole point pens and normal paper
  • Nov 5, 2017, 05:24 AM
    I cant imagine where you live to have this much humidity all the time. It is a hit or miss problem. Do you run a dehumidifier where you live. That would reduce the humidity. What you use has no bearing on this problem. Storing your notes is the most important method of keeping them safe and you say you use sealed bags which I think is the best way.
  • Nov 5, 2017, 08:44 PM
    Does it HAVE to be ink? Why not a pencil.

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