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  • Mar 24, 2017, 12:15 AM
    Okay all of this might be tmi but I'm in needn't of some answers... I started my period on February 26th and ended March 2nd I had unprotected sex on March 6th and March 10th, when he ejaculated in me, which was 2 days before ovulation, after ovulation I was experiencing thick white discharge and have had cramps, at 9dpo I had green stool twice in one day and now at 11 dpo I ate some food and had the runs, now I'm experiencing cramps
  • Mar 24, 2017, 04:05 AM
    NOTHING proves pregnancy except a test. It is too soon to take a test.
    You don't know when you ovulate, unless you are very rigorous about taking your temperature every day. There is no guarantee that ovulation will be mid-cycle.

    There are SYMPTOMS of pregnancy that are very similar to symptoms of menstruation, and both can mean something else entirely. You just cannot go by symptoms.

    If I had to guess, I'd say that you are having gallbladder problems. But of course you could be pregnant too. You could be extra pre-menstrual this month. You could be having digestion problems combined with pre-menstrual hormones, or pregnancy. If unrelated problems happen right before your period, your period might be stopped or delayed or very light. So even not getting a period doesn't mean you are pregnant.

    NEVER go by symptoms.

    You had sex! If you have sex, you can get pregnant!
    If you are trying to get pregnant, just be patient. If not, stop having unprotected sex.
  • Mar 24, 2017, 07:26 AM

    Originally Posted by Anya1234 View Post
    Okay all of this might be tmi but I'm in needn't of some answers... I started my period on February 26th and ended March 2nd I had unprotected sex on March 6th and March 10th, when he ejaculated in me, which was 2 days before ovulation, after ovulation I was experiencing thick white discharge and have had cramps, at 9dpo I had green stool twice in one day and now at 11 dpo I ate some food and had the runs, now I'm experiencing cramps

    Hi, I think you might have a stomach bug, or food poisioning, or maybe a slight allergy. What you describe is mostly a digestive issue. The discharge... well threre could be several causes for that. Maybe no reason what so ever.

    A quick thing about getting pregnant. The basics is that sperm need to be around the egg. It gets more complicated because it isn't always safe to assume that you ovulate, unless you're being medically tracked, 2 weeks into your cycle. Could be the beginning or could be the end. It is hard to see unless it is medically tracked. So the timing has to be right for the sperm to be healthy and hit the egg during it's viable period. Then it has to be able to implant in your uterus.

    So, while it is safe to assume that you had sperm in the proper place when you *SHOULD* have ovulated, it is hard to say that you did. And if you did even hard to say that conception occurred as well as implantation.

    So what do you do from here. Check out why you might have had green stool. Then wait for your period. If it doesn't come within two weeks of when you expect, then take a pregnancy test using the first urine of the morning. Best sample to use. Then you should know for sure. A lot of the "pregnancy symptoms" can also be explained with PMS, and hormonal fluctuations, as well you're seeing them more because you're looking for some sign and you'd, if there is no pregnancy concern, just ignore them.

    Good luck.
  • Mar 24, 2017, 08:08 AM
    green = bile. Bile comes from the liver (by way of the gallbladder if you still have one).
    Green or white stools can happen any time for any number of harmless reasons.
    Black stools are more likely to indicate occult blood. Unless you just ate a package of Oreos.

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