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  • Aug 23, 2013, 09:48 PM
    Why was my manager yelling at me
    Im a cook at sonic and today this lady that usually keeps up with the food left early so it was just me & my other 2 coworkers (we're still training). Well my manager came into the kitchen and he saw how behind we were with the orders and he got onto me about how I need to be doing this and that. He was talking very loud, everyone could hear him, he was pretty much yelling at me. He kept saying my name. My coworkers were looking at me like they felt bad. My manager would not stop, at one point I just wanted to cry because I hate being yelled at like that. He also yelled at me for something I DIDN'T do! He has no patients. I do better when he leaves the kitchen but when he comes back he yells at me again. I pretty much didn't say a word. Ive been wondering why I feel like crying when he yelled at me constantly? And is it wrong for my manager to be acting this way towards me?
  • Aug 23, 2013, 09:50 PM
    Why were you behind with the orders?
  • Aug 23, 2013, 09:53 PM
    From all your other questions, it seems like you have a hard time with everyone... do you feel this to be true? Why do you think it happens?

    Anyway, managers do that. Maybe you were doing something that the others were not doing and this is what set off your manager. Is it the right way for them to act? No... but the truth is, it's more often than not the way that the employment world works.
  • Aug 23, 2013, 09:55 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Why were you behind with the orders?

    Yeah but I finally figured out how to keep up
  • Aug 23, 2013, 09:59 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    From all your other questions, it seems like you have a hard time with you feel this to be true? Why do you think it happens?

    Anyway, managers do that. Maybe you were doing something that the others were not doing and this is what set off your manager. Is it the right way for them to act? No....but the truth is, it's more often than not the way that the employment world works.

    Nooo I get along with EVERYONE. I can't help but to be sweet to anyone I talk to. People rarely dislike me. But thanks for letting me know managers are just like that. Still don't understand why he felt the need to yell at ME though..
  • Aug 23, 2013, 09:59 PM
    Or, since the lady that keeps up with the food had left, the manager may have thought you three trainees were goofing off somehow if you were so much behind. Once you start getting behind in a restaurant kitchen, it's very hard to recover. Customers get mad and may even walk out (and the restaurant loses money).

    Did you have a key job?
  • Aug 23, 2013, 10:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Or, since the lady that keeps up with the food had left, the manager may have thought you three trainees were goofing off somehow if you were so much behind. Once you start getting behind in a restaurant kitchen, it's very hard to recover. Customers get mad and may even walk out (and the restaurant loses money).

    Did you have a key job?

    What's a key job?
  • Aug 23, 2013, 10:08 PM

    Originally Posted by Jordonj View Post
    What's a key job?

    Maybe doing the frying or something that is important to do before the others can do their jobs.
  • Aug 23, 2013, 10:12 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Maybe doing the frying or something that is important to do before the others can do their jobs.

    What exactly are you asking?
  • Aug 23, 2013, 10:13 PM

    Originally Posted by Jordonj View Post
    What exactly are you asking?

    Were you and the other two trainees in the kitchen part or the customer service part?
  • Aug 23, 2013, 11:12 PM
    I have a feeling that the woman who left put sandwich parts into the bins from the fridge and pantry, and that the trainees assembled orders.
  • Aug 24, 2013, 04:44 AM
    Your manager was yelling at you because he was concerned about losing customers and you just became the focus because he can't yell at the customers.

    Clearly this manager has poor management skills and was wrong in his actions. But if he continues to treat you poorly, you may need to find another job.
  • Aug 24, 2013, 05:40 AM
    I work in the industry as well. Working the line is the most stressful job I have done it. I am assuming you were high volumes (meal time?). It is the nature of the beast once you get into the sh*t.
    Words of advice that have worked for me.
    1. Stay focused. Work on the orders you are working on and don't worry about the future orders waiting. That does slow you down when you do that.
    2. Make sure you have your prep done and par levels up to where they need BEFORE service. If you find that is not enough to last over service up your par levels.
    3. Communicate with the other cooks/chefs on line. Very key as that helps you all stay on task and get stuff done efficiently.
    4. Breathe and tell yourself you can do this
    5. Sit down and talk to your chef or front of house manager. Let them know what you need from them. Ask them what they need from you. Get specifics not just go faster. Let them know you want to improve and are looking for feedback. Make sure you do this when it is not busy (not during lunch rush or supper rush for example). Also try to do it when they are not all ready stressed out.

    This is a busy industry and you will get slammed you just need to figure out how to handle it for yourself.
  • Aug 24, 2013, 05:56 AM
    There are good bosses, and bad bosses, and in life, you will get some of both. At the end of the day, the boss is always the boss.

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