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  • Jun 28, 2010, 12:00 AM
    I want to resin from my services can you please tell what formet I follow on emial
    Hi I'm working in BPO but now I want to resign from my services I want to give a one mail to my manager be for that I already inform them that I leave my services no I just want to put my paper so can you please tell me what I right in a mail format so I can mail them
  • Jun 28, 2010, 12:52 AM
    Hi, monika_paul2!

    What exactly is the job that you've had? Have you learned things by having the position and gotten some enjoyment out of working in it? Also, why are you wanting to resign, please? If you're resigning due to personal reasons, it would be okay to put it that way.

    However, if you're going to be writing a letter, then it would be helpful for us to know a bit about the position that you've had and other things about which I asked.

    If you're resigning, please don't do so via an email. A formal letter that is mailed or hand-delivered will show more volition and integrity on your part. I would also think that you would like to leave the present job with the hopes that you will be able to use them for a recommendation for a position for which you might be applying in the future.

  • Jun 28, 2010, 04:47 AM

    Hi coulgh,
    Thanks to reply me Actually I'm in BPO Sect and my job profile is support services center and yes I learn new things and I'm enjoy my work but I'm not feeling satisfied and I have some personal reason also so I cannot continue my service,
    I'm little bit confuse what kind of mail I write them and I'm not that much good post and this is my first job and 1st resign so I'm just want to know the method if you tell me it’s really help for me
  • Jul 2, 2010, 06:15 PM


    As Clough says, you should not resign by e-mail. In fact it would be best, if possible, to resign in a face to face meeting with your supervisor, at the same time handing her/him a resignation letter. Meeting or not, at the minimum you need to provde a letter.

    I hope you are moving on to a new job. If you do not already have a job lined up, it is wise to wait until you have one before quitting. It is OK to state in the letter that you are moving to a new job, putting it in terms of advancing your career. If you wish to add that that you also have personal reasons, that is OK too but you need not go into detail.

    You can do an Internet search for letter formats. This one Business Letter Format would work although you can simplify it if you wish. Basically, be neat and orderly.

    Be sure you check your spelling!

    Rememeber that, as you leave, you want to leave a good impression of yourself in case you need references later... or need to return to that company.

    Good luck!
  • Jul 3, 2010, 12:22 AM
    Hi again, monika_paul2!

    Have you ever heard of what's called an "exit interview"?

  • Jul 3, 2010, 11:58 AM

    If you do not actually work in their office, ( giving them notice in person is always the correct way if possible) if not, you send them notice by regular mail, not email. It is considered very bad business ethics to quite by email.
  • Jul 7, 2010, 04:02 AM
    Comment on Fr_Chuck's post
    Hi Chuck,
    Thanks to reply me and yes I submitted my paper by mail and July end is my last day thanks for you are support...
  • Jul 7, 2010, 04:09 AM
    Comment on FlyYakker's post
    Hi Yakker,
    Thanks for the mail and the information which you sent me I will take care those point and I resigned now by mail with one month notice period with good impression as per you are Suggestion


  • Jul 8, 2010, 01:41 AM

    Originally posted by monika_paul2

    Hi Clough.

    No I'm not heard about that but thanks for you are support I resigned now
    And I did not think about my future I don't know what will be next with me..
    An exit interview allows both the employer and employee to discuss reasons the employee is leaving and can be of potential benefit to both the employer and employee because of information that's gained in the interview.


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