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Snaking a cable driven tub drain
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I was wondering how you take apart and snake a cable operated tub drain. Thank You
Snaking out a floor drain
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My wife and I recently (less than three months) bought a one story slab\cinder block foundation house. At least I describe it that way since the utility room is on a lower level than the rest of the house. It was owned by a single gentleman for I think roughly 20 years before us. A little more...
Drain not draining, snaking no difference
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I have a double sind in the kitchen that takes at least 3 hours to drain. It is ithe only fixture at that end of the house. I ran a 50 foot snake just under the drain, the house is 35 feet long. The other fixtures all drain fine except the dish washer which is next to the sink. I replaced the...
Snaking the bath tub
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I tried to snake the bath tub and I am hitting something metal what do I do?
Drain snaking: how to tell if drain is clear?
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Hi there! In a previous post, I discovered that one of the two main 4" cast iron drain lines from my house (goes to septic) had standing water in it: Even though I've never had trouble with this drain, it seems like... View more questions Search