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Girlfriend left because she needed space. Giving her space, but how do I get her back
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My girlfriend of 1 1/2 years broke up with me. She said that she needed space. The reasoning behind this is that she says she just felt unhappy for a while, because of some of my actions. I love her dearly, and I have been giving her the space she has requested. She says that she loves me, but...
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I have had my final interview for my clearance in Aug 1st. How can I find out when will I be getting my clearance? Who should I contact? Any answer? Thank you very much.
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I did the same mistake and my situation is like you, $75 ticket from police and $487.98 from the store and I did paid both of them but my question is: does it show on my Security Clearance? I had an interview with a government agency and they asked my authorization to check my Security Clearance ...
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Hello, I am the one that poilice gave me ticket "OFFENCE NOTICE", Municipality ottawa, and the part of "are request to appear in court"in the ticket is empty, + from the mall security, they gave me a notice of "PROHIBITING ENTRY" TRESPASS TO PROPERTY ACT for one year. I have not received any... View more questions Search