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  • Jan 14, 2022, 03:47 AM
    Clueless went down to Georgia
    He was looking for an election to steal.

    He went on an almost incoherent rant designed to deflect attention from inflation at 40 year highs ; high gas prices ,empty store shelves ,crime surging ,illegal aliens bum rushing the border at record numbers , violent crime out of control ,covid at record numbers ,tests promised not delivered . All these problems self inflicted by Clueless and the party he leads .

    What to do ? He creates a fake issue to distract the base from the real issues .

    It has NEVER been easier for people in the country to vote . Last year after he called Georgia new laws 'Jim Crow on steroids ' .....when MLB penalized the poor people of Atlanta by moving the All Star Game to a state that has more restrictive voting rules than Georgia and a city that is less diverse ...... the people of Georgia had a record turn out at the polls . How was that possible if Georgia law was Jim Crow restrictive ?

    Clueless needs to create an enemy to demonize as his only chance to rally the Dems enough to stem the Repub wave in the mid-terms .

    Yertl summed up the rant perfectly

    “He shouted that if you disagree with him, you’re George Wallace … If you don’t pass the laws he wants, you’re Bull Connor, and if you oppose giving Democrats untrammeled, one-party control of the country, well, you’re Jefferson Davis.”

    Who didn't Clueless impress? The person he went to Georgia to campaign for ....Stacy Abrams . She and her coalition boycotted the theater of the absurd . She did not even try to make an excuse that anyone could buy. She said she had 'scheduling conflicts' . That conflict was that she was getting the tires rotated on her car.

    Think about that . The leader of her party travels to her home turf to campaign on her behalf and she deliberately is a no show .The first black female gubernatorial candidate in Georgia’s history chose to publicly snub a president going out of his way to help her . That happens to Presidents in year 7-8 ;not in year 1 . Clueless is already a lame duck.
  • Jan 14, 2022, 07:43 AM
    Happened to Obama in year(day) one. Same greedy conniving repubs. Voting rights is a distraction to the predictable inflation? Spin on, that's your thing.
  • Jan 15, 2022, 06:00 AM
    Schmucky went on the rhetorical overload on January 6 linking the Capitol riot witb the sensible Georgia election reforms .

    “What motivated the insurrectionists is now motivating these state legislatures to do dastardly things.”
    Sen. Chuck Schumer: Efforts to curb voting rights a real threat to our democracy ( a comment like that would be too stupid to comment about ,except for the problem that the Dems actually believe it . He said these changes were "aimed at Democratic constituencies,” including “people of color, young people, urban people.” He spoke of a district where there is "only one early voting place in an entire county, that you have to travel 23 miles.”

    He was talking about a small rural district ;Lincoln County Ga .,which plans to consolidate polling places into a central hub. This is a county that Trump won by 68% so there would be no advantage to the Repubs to suppress the vote there .Furthermore ,the election commissioner Lilvender Bolton is Black .

    She cites covid as the reason for the changes .

    "I think the consolidation will be a good move for the county because as time goes on, things need to change. People have a problem with letting the past go and trying to change; people don’t like change. I feel like this is a good change because with covid, we have buildings that are 600 square foot and you can maybe get three or four people in there at one time and you have to space people out. We just don’t have the space. And that’s the bottom line: space. And with covid, you’ve got to have space. In that building, we will have the space to do your social distancing, we will have the proper amount of space between the machines and we will have all of that. We also have 17 days of advance voting."

    Bolton says 75 percent of voters (roughly 4,500 people) do advance voting
    Lincoln County residents react to consolidation plan - WFXG

    In Georgia anyone can get a mail in ballot . In bluest of blue ,Shmucky's NY ,(the state I escaped from) you need to be out of town, ill, caring for someone who’s ill, in a veterans facility, or in jail to receive a mail in ballot .
    New York State Absentee Ballot Application (

    Last year the question went before the people of NY on the ballot . The people of NY overwhelmingly rejected the idea 55% to 45%. Another measure that would have allowed same day voter registration also failed, 56% to 44%. But Schmucky would impose national standards opposed by the people of his state .

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