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  • Jul 8, 2018, 07:17 AM
    Italy sees the light
    Italy has seen the light they will block entry to migrant rescue ships, they have realised that the only way to stem the flow is not to allow the migrants to land. As they pile up in Libyan ports a better solution will have to be found, but they will not be drowning because the people smugglers will loose their product. This solution worked in the Indian ocean and given the chance it will work in the Mediterranian. What it takes is will and not listening to the bleeting of sheep. EUROPE is entitled to be european, not african
  • Jul 8, 2018, 09:47 AM
    Yeah the trend towards desperate right wing loony bigots pervades the Europeans. Must be terrible to be so afraid of others.
  • Jul 8, 2018, 04:51 PM
    The question is not of fear but of soveriengty, no you outsource your immigration program to criminals, this is what you miss aside from the impacts such as criminal behaviour
  • Jul 8, 2018, 05:40 PM
    That's exactly the rationale the Dufus spews. You have that in common on this issue. That's why his doctrine has caused such a stir and the courts have made him backtrack and correct his actions. He probably cannot comply. I doubt if you could either if you were the author of such poor policy.

    Maybe YOU are more competent than the Dufus.
  • Jul 8, 2018, 08:24 PM
    Well of course I am, you fail to separate compassion from reality, if everyone is reduced to the lowest common denominator no one prospers. What good is that, if people are to be helped it is not by having them leave their homes but by lifting them up where they are put your investment there instead of China take your troops from Afghanistan and destroy the criminals closer to home. Your foreign policies do nothing but create problems
  • Jul 9, 2018, 05:37 AM
    The threat of DEATH is a great motivation to leave home. Where is your compassion now?
  • Jul 9, 2018, 06:52 AM
    Who is responsible? Ask yourself, you are maybe you deserve these people
  • Jul 9, 2018, 07:08 AM
    Deserves got nothing to do with how we deal with the challenge. We have been dealing with migrants our whole history and built a pretty great nation because of MIGRATION. Not perfect but it's still a works in progress.
  • Jul 9, 2018, 09:33 AM
    I thought it was the left that said we can't solve all the world's problems . I guess it is ok for us the import all the world's problems . You see Macron ? He went to Nigeria and told the people to stay home and help build their own country .
  • Jul 9, 2018, 10:17 AM
    I'm so glad Italy has stood up to the illegal invasion. Crime has skyrocketed in Italy with these people (if you can really call them that) hovering on street corners , breaking into houses and robbing people in the streets. It hasn't been safe to be out at night since the flood of Albanians into Italy. And it used to be even in a port City which typically tends to have the most crime.

    And that's speaking as the only person here who can comment from personal experience over the last 30+ years how its actually been in Italy.

    THe only people welcoming the Illegal horde were the Communist party, and the Socialist party (which changed their name a couple years ago to Partito Democratico della Sinsistra) because like the Democrats here, they want to make them citizens, give them free stuff so they can vote for them. Not because ANY of them contribute to society.
  • Jul 9, 2018, 01:51 PM
    Yeah them Italians were screwing things up all by themselves and didn't need much help.
  • Jul 9, 2018, 02:43 PM
    Oh the Italians are far from perfect... trust me there, but at least it was safe at night, its not even safe during the day any more.
  • Jul 9, 2018, 10:22 PM
    See how tal has a go at anything that doesn't fit his view of lax borders and lax laws
  • Jul 10, 2018, 04:27 AM
    Not at all Clete, actually I'm a process and procedure type of guy, and your ilk is a knee jerk kill them all kind of people. You would arrest a guy running out of a burning building for jaywalking, and arson. The irony is you ran from a burning building and called it exploring which is typical elitist snobbery to justify bigotry and a lazy way to ignore but for the grace of God go I.

    It's not a judgement just an observation to the lazy (There's that word again) negative hyperbole you apply to others not like you, while declaring your PASSION. I suspect your COMPASSION is severely limited for whatever reason, while you mischaracterize others.

    If wanting a HUMANE process by which to apply the law is LAX, then so be it. I take that as a compliment from a bigoted piker.

    So THANKS!
  • Jul 10, 2018, 05:51 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Not at all Clete, actually I'm a process and procedure type of guy, and your ilk is a knee jerk kill them all kind of people. You would arrest a guy running out of a burning building for jaywalking, and arson. The irony is you ran from a burning building and called it exploring which is typical elitist snobbery to justify bigotry and a lazy way to ignore but for the grace of God go I.

    It's not a judgement just an observation to the lazy (There's that word again) negative hyperbole you apply to others not like you, while declaring your PASSION. I suspect your COMPASSION is severely limited for whatever reason, while you mischaracterize others.

    If wanting a HUMANE process by which to apply the law is LAX, then so be it. I take that as a compliment from a bigoted piker.

    So THANKS!

    I used to think you were a reasonable person but you have shown yourself to be like all leftists with your diatribe, you think progress comes from a do nothing attitude and using OPM
  • Jul 10, 2018, 07:42 AM

    See how tal has a go at anything that doesn't fit his view of lax borders and lax laws

    Your very inaccurate personal swipe elicited my response. I have consistently and reasonably embraced what many religions and cultures have accepted as good human behavior toward needy strangers and even codified into LAW a reasonable policy and process to deal with them. You characterize your position as PASSION, but fear and hate is what you spew.

    Personally I think progress comes from COLLECTIVE effort, and good ORDERLY direction.

  • Jul 10, 2018, 03:36 PM
    Hurrah and how does illegal migration fit into that ideal unless you want to applaud the collective effort to defy your laws and make an disorderly procession across your border
  • Jul 10, 2018, 03:38 PM
    Seeking asylum is not illegal in my country. Only the looniest most racists right wingers and the DUFUS say it is and resort to terror tactics and inhuman treatment under the pretext of illegality to wage a war on men women and children from South America.
  • Jul 10, 2018, 04:25 PM
    wrong.... there are specific rules for asylum seekers . ….again most of our problems is that laws don't get observed .

    Asylum has three basic requirements.

    First, an asylum applicant must establish that he or she fears persecution in their home country.

    Second, the applicant must prove that he or she would be persecuted on account of one of five protected grounds: race ,religion ,nationality ,political opinion ,or a particular social group.

    Third, an applicant must establish that the government is either involved in the persecution, or unable to control the conduct of private actors.

    Each year, the President sends a proposal to the Congress for the maximum number of refugees to be admitted into the countryas specified under section 207(e) (1)-(7) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
    This number is known as the "refugee ceiling". That is the maximum number of asylum seekers that can be legally permitted to enter the country .
  • Jul 10, 2018, 05:30 PM
    Thanks for making my point Tom. Though you have pointed out the REQUIREMENTS under the law, and described the process you make no illegality case for asylum seekers save until AFTER the process has been completed in a court of law. Even still coming here outside the legal process is a misdemeanor for first time offenders.

    Do you think its legal to deny asylum seekers the due process under the law you outlined, and extort them by separating them from their children to drop that claim of asylum? As an aside The Dufus is now giving asylum seekers ankle bracelets and court dates, and keeping families together during that process.
    After the asylum seeker process is completed a whole lot of them are indeed deported.

    So it's technically incorrect to refer to an asylum seeker as an illegal until the end of the process, not before it has started. <Start RANT NOW!> Only right wing loony racists ignore those important nuances and lumps people together and calls them derogatory names like animals. Making one less than justifies inhumane treatment. <END RANT!>

    That's exactly what The Dufus tried to do.

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