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  • Feb 1, 2016, 07:21 PM
    Pain help
    I have been having a dull aching shooting pain in left shoulder for months. Also my neck and back lock up at times and for years at night I can't stay in one,position without being in pain and waking up and have to switch position all through the night. I have no idea what's wrong
  • Feb 1, 2016, 07:53 PM
    So, during those years and those months, how many doctors have you gone to. And what have they said is their opinion. It will take a detailed exam to determine issues, from life style, past injuries, muscle and/or joint issues and dozen of others possible issues.
  • Feb 1, 2016, 10:06 PM

    Originally Posted by JustKristy78 View Post
    I have been having a dull aching shooting pain in left shoulder for months. Also my neck and back lock up at times and for years at night I can't stay in one,position without being in pain and waking up and have to switch position all through the night. I have no idea what's wrong

    Me either but a doctor can find out.
  • Feb 2, 2016, 08:03 AM
    Oh, a doctor can find out? Many won't. You get an X ray or MRI and some pills.
    As someone with various chronic pains, one starting 35+ years ago, I can assure you that most pain that is not from DISEASE makes doctors' eyes glaze over.
    My 'first' chronic pain was determined by 5 different MDs over 35 years, to be 'nothing.' Being a woman, I would get the same exact approach each time, an ultrasound of my abdomen. When there was nothing wrong with my ovaries or uterus, I was treated more or less as a hypochondriac. The persistent pain started in my left abdomen near the surface and hit my bladder, bowel, pubis, and down my left leg. A GOOD CHIROPRACTOR, who actually listened to me, diagnosed it in 3 minutes as scarring of a sacral nerve.

    Since then I have pain from random arthritis of old age, pain from the after effects of both Lyme and the area behind one knee where I contracted cellulitis, and pain from inflammation from too much sugar. Also 2 broken fingers and various weekend warrior overdoing it.

    I go to extraordinary lengths ON MY OWN to alleviate pain. Do not sit, stand, nor lie down for too long. I change sleeping position every hour or less. I sleep on a feather bed and also have an air mattress that's only about 1/4 full, so it acts like a feather bed. I have pillows that are like, except I made them myself out of shredded foam. I keep moving my shoulders, neck, legs. I sit at my computer at just the right height so that my arm isn't higher than it should be. Being short, I made a desk that is only 2 feet high. My chair is adjustable, so that my feet are flat on the floor. HEAT is pain's best friend! I sit on a king size heating pad, winter and summer, wear fingerless gloves, always have a polarfleece around my shoulders, and a tiny space heater on my desk.

    I won't take narcotic pills. I alternate Tylenol and ibuprofin. Both have drawbacks to your liver and kidneys. I get THC candy when I can and take it sparingly to make it last. It's the best treatment of all, but for me, expensive and illegal.

    YOU need to examine what you do each day that is bad for your posture/position. It sounds like how you sit at a desk? Tell us here, and we can maybe get a few ideas going.
    LEFT arm symptoms are important in regards to your heart, so you still need to go to a clinic!

    Age, gender, weight type?
    Dominant hand?
    Anything you carry a lot on the left, a heavy bag or a baby?
    Do you use your computer a lot, and using what to type?

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