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  • Nov 15, 2006, 06:47 PM
    Wilson's Disease
    A cousin of mine was recently diagnosed with Wilson's disease. His specialist says that he's had it for at least 2 yrs. Are there ways of treating this disease with natural products/medicine?
  • Nov 15, 2006, 07:46 PM
    Enclosed are some links on Wilson's Disease...'s-disease

    This is not an endorsement of the herbal treatment on my part, but the second link does say there are Chinese herbs that can be used to treat Wilson's Disease.

    I would ask my specialist about any interaction between the prescribed drugs and the diet and using herbal medicine.

    Best of all to your cousin.
  • Nov 24, 2006, 12:16 PM
    Thanks for your help shygrneyzs. I read some articles on the links and I'm going to mention the treatment options to the specialist he is seeing. Also, does anyone recommend that I take him to a homeopath or a naturopath?
    My cousin started seeing thei specialist almost 2 years ago but he's just been diagnosed with this disease. The specialist told us that he has been living with this disease for more than a year.
  • Nov 24, 2006, 12:32 PM
    Hi Afghanhound,
    I couldn't say for sure, as I really know nothing about the disease. But homeopathy might be a good adjunct therapy, assuming your primary care physician is open-minded enough.
    There is a very strong correlation -- an antagonistic relationship -- between zinc and copper. In a healthy person, higher levels of zinc will deplete the body of copper. But as Wilson's disease does appear to interfere with the excretion of the latter, I'm unsure of the potential ramifications of zinc supplementation. Anyhow, here is a good link:

    Just remember that excessively high levels of zinc in the long-term could possibly produce some side effects in itself. And prolonged depletion of copper can in rare cases institute a particular form of psychosis. A healthy balance is important.
    I hope this is of some help. Take care. :)
  • Dec 7, 2006, 07:08 PM
    Thanks for you help Thomas, I appreciate it.
    Do you guys know why it took 2 yrs before he was diagnosed with this disease? I mean from what I've read, it's a pretty scary disease. It's just sad and upsetting that it took 2 yrs and also unacceptable.
  • Dec 7, 2006, 07:27 PM
    Hi Afghanhound,
    You're welcome. I'm really not sure why it took so long to diagnose, other than it being somewhat more uncommon. I think doctors sometimes have a tendency to look for more substantial or complex causes, and sometimes overlook the simpler of things. In this case though, a simple imbalance of sorts has a very profound impact.
    I myself suffered the negative health effects of hypothyroidism for nearly a decade before it was properly diagnosed, despite having been tested a couple of times during that period. It's really hard to say.
  • Dec 15, 2006, 08:06 AM

    Treatment of this disease includes a reduction of copper in the diet and a prescription of copper-binding agents and penicillamine. It is very important that you know that certain herbs and/or homeopathic remedies can be dangerous combinations with the meds that your cousin is prescribed. Please do not go into this blindly as it could be very detrimental to his health. You can consult a pharmacist/chemist regarding safe products to use.
  • Jan 16, 2011, 10:56 AM


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