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  • May 20, 2009, 04:08 AM
    Staring to people
    I am new to this site. My question is that I am very shy person by nature right now I am facing a problem that I stair at people I didn't know why I do this. I think I am over conscious that people are watching me what they are thinking about me right now I am in a big trouble because few people where I stay have noticed me staring at others & they are telling every one that don't talk to this girl she is not good person. I don't know how to stop staring habit I am not bed but people are thinking I am bed I didn't know how to solve this problem I started doing meditation but this problem is not stopping now people comment when I walk in to my society I heard one of it "some people can't leave their habits".They also laugh at me.
    Please tell me how to stop this habit.
  • May 20, 2009, 09:29 AM

    First I know lots of people who are "people watchers" they study everyone in the room with them. Most people I know who like to watch others and how they communicate admit that they watch several people at what time so they can scan instead of getting completely drawn into one person.

    Maybe the key is to figure out what you are studying.
  • May 20, 2009, 07:55 PM

    Those people know me & my habits now they laugh at me & telling every one I watch boys who are younger then me. I am going in one class where every one noes about this habit even they told this to professor. Now they combinely say something related to this thing in class every one participate in it & say some bad things about me & I can not even react to it because they are not directly telling me this. I really didn't know how to solve this. My mind is like that if any one laugh on me I get irritate & these people know it that is why they tees me.
  • May 24, 2009, 04:00 AM

    Please just ignore this immature behaviour. I am a people watcher. I analyse people and their actions and behviour. Sometimes I have to force myself to stop staring! Because other wise I would get nothing done.

    You have try and focus on something else once you start your people watching. If you have work to do, put all your concentration into that.
  • May 24, 2009, 10:00 PM
    I don't quite 'get' what's going on here, but if you are staring at people and it makes them feel uncomfortable - then you need to try and control it.

    Why don't you try talking to people instead? Why don't you try smiling and making small talk? Why don't you take up doing something that requires you to look at something else other than people?

    Perhaps you just need to laugh at yourself a little - say to people 'I know I'm a bit strange at the moment' - and then it will ease the tension.

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