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  • Feb 12, 2017, 12:26 AM
    Weird symptoms help
    I have been having a stuffy nose and congestion in my chest every single morning and at night my nose runs a bit. Also my ears pop really loud randomly everyday as well. I have seen an ENT because if this and he's looked in my ears and said everything is normal. He said it could be allergies so he prescribed me some nasal spray and said to use it everyday. I have been doing what he's asked and it's not getting any better. I have had this problem since last October when I ruptured my ear drum. I ruptured my ear drum about once or twice a year. I have a feeling I am going to completely lose my hearing one day. I have to go back in October so a follow up in a year. That's awhile from now and I have also been to my regular doctor because of this as well and they can't seem to find what's wrong either. I also just recently quit smoking so maybe that's what is causing the congestion but it doesn't have to deal with my ears. Can anyone give me any suggestions to get rid of all this mucus and also why my ears are popping super loud?
  • Feb 13, 2017, 10:21 AM
    Congrats on quitting smoking.

    Maybe you should see another ENT.

    I don't know about the ears, but for the nose I Netty Pot daily and it is awesome. It makes breathing so much easier. I love my Netty Pot.
  • Feb 13, 2017, 03:45 PM
    "I ruptured my ear drum about once or twice a year"​. That is not common.
  • Feb 13, 2017, 04:22 PM
    Please answer:
    How can an ENT say all is normal, yet you say you rupture your eardrums twice a year?
    WHY do they rupture? (If you hold your nose and mouth and blow, thinking that will somehow clear congestion, then you are as wrong as can be, and it's one way to rupture.)

    I suspect that your Eustacian tube/s is/are congested. They produce mucus 24/7, but it drains down the back of the throat in tiny amounts. If the tube collapses at the throat end, it can't get out. If it gets swollen from allergies, there's too much. If it gets infected (perhaps from having the ruptured drum), then you need antibiotics. An ENT should have checked all of that.

    In addition:
    Get a new pillow or wash your current one, and do so every 6 months.
    Do something about all sources of dust and mites, usually by washing.
    Wash your sheets, blankets, pillow cases regularly, such as once a week or 3X a month.
    Dust and mites can cause congestion even in people who don't have allergies!
    Wear a knit headband to bed.

    See a dentist. I had serious bronchitis from an infection in my lower jaw 22+ years ago. Took me 10 months to get it diagnosed.
  • Feb 20, 2017, 09:12 PM
    Thanks guys for the help. Yeah it's defiantly not normal and when I got my hearing tested he said nothing is wrong besides my left ear is a bit lower than my right but nothing drastic he said. I do produce a lot of mucus actually. He was concerned about me rupturing it a lot and he said it could be allergies or tmj. My ear ruptures usually when I get sick or my ears clog up every time I get sick. I try to pop them on my own and when I do that's when they rupture. Now it's just scary because my ears pop so loud they startle me. I have actually used a Neil med and it makes my sinus cavities dry. Whenever I get an antibiotic though it doesn't seem like they work or it takes longer for me to get rid of an infection.
  • Feb 21, 2017, 05:25 AM
    I'm sorry I bothered.
  • Feb 21, 2017, 06:41 AM
    You do realize that a ruptured eardrum in an open pathway for infection to the middle ear and potential deafness. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW??
  • Feb 22, 2017, 10:52 PM
    Yeah I can pop my ears just by opening my jaw and then my ears make a clicking sound it's weird. I usually get ruptured ears by getting sick or blowing my nose too hard. Back in October when I did rupture my left ear I blew my nose to hard and my ear was making loud squeaky noises but now my ears ring non stop and can especially hear it when I'm alone and now it's not just my left ear both my ears pop really loud it feels like it helps but it's defiantly not a normal feeling and am considered about it. I tried explaining to my doctor that I can pop my ears by myself with my jaw and he didn't say anything about it.
  • Feb 23, 2017, 03:23 PM
    Don't know where to begin. DO NOT blow your nose hard. You brought this on, and are perpetuating it.
    Only a good ENT can eardrum some sense into you.
  • Feb 27, 2017, 10:11 PM
    Why so rude? I don't blow my nose hard anymore. When I feel my ears getting clogged up I feel like I have to pop them because it's an uncomfortable feeling. It's not like I intentionally do it on purpose. If you had this problem then maybe you'd understand. Been dealing with this for a very long time and I finally get to see an ENT and they don't even know what to say.

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