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  • Apr 1, 2007, 08:36 PM
    Ghost or Guardian Angel?
    I realize this is going to sound crazy, but I have to know whether anyone else has ever experienced anything like this, or if someone can help explain what's happening. I first experienced this just a couple of years ago while living in TX. I awoke in middle of the night to the sounds of snoring coming from the pillow right next to me. At first I thought maybe someone was under my bed and had fallen asleep. Then I thought surely I was dreaming, but it lasted for over a minute before it finally stopped. I just lay there frozen, too terrified to move for fear of waking whatever IT was lying next to me. I forgot all about it until it happened again the next time several months later. At one point, it strangely reminded of the comforting feeling I use to have of my husband sleeping next to me when I was married. But I've been divorced for over 20 years. So I wondered if the house was haunted, but I had lived there for almost 20 years and moved in right after it was built. So it did not appear to be suited for haunting, and seemed unlikely it would start after so many years. Then I moved to DC last year, and completely forgot about it. That is until it happened again just last week! Only difference was that It didn't snore this time, but instead was heavy breathing. But it was still frightening to me. It's just so strange to think ghosts/spirits or guardian angels would sleep and, even if they did sleep, that they would snore. Has anyone experienced anything like this or heard of anyone else who has? Or is this the first sign that I'm finally losing my mind?
  • Apr 1, 2007, 09:00 PM
    Sounds like a fairly lazy guardian angel if they are sleeping. Don't think I ever heard of that one before.
  • Apr 8, 2007, 09:48 AM
    I'm not sure what it was, but it doesn't sound threatening (unless it keeps you awake with its snoring).

    I think spirits occasionally do things like this that you wouldn't really expect of them. My mom was sitting in her house by herself one afternoon and heard a loud, unmistakable belch coming from the empty chair beside her.

    I've also heard of ghosts getting into bed with people, seemingly with no intentions of doing anything else. Years ago, one of my sisters felt someone get into bed with her and thought it was another sister (who lived with her at the time). But the sound of breathing didn't sound like my sister so she turned around to look and there was no one there.
  • Apr 15, 2007, 07:01 AM
    I have never heard of this, but it is interesting. So, I'm going to give it a shot here. If it almost comforted you because you said that it reminded you of your husband a long time ago, then if it is an angel, then maybe it does this to comfort you? The other night, I slept surprisingly well because I felt so calm and thought to myself, "I bet that's Papa I feel". The next morning I literally bounced out of bed! Best sleep in a loooong time... (I have 3 kids ages 3 and under.) then I find out from myhusband that he stayed awake all night and could not wake me up, I was out. He said that he saw a shadow of a man walking up and down the hallway all night long. I like to think maybe it was my Papa, watching over me and my family, because I know we have other spirits here. Sometimes I wonder if he is my guardian angel, he died before my dad was 13. So, maybe they know things about us and they do things to make us feel comfortable and at ease and protected??
  • Apr 15, 2007, 04:42 PM
    Arctodos Simos
    I have some experience (20+ years) with ghosts and spirits, first of all this spirit, or whatever it is, does not sound malign. As for it being a Guardian or High Guardian Angel, in my experience, if one were trying to get your attention snoring would not be the obvious first method, something like a non-physical slap round the back of the head with a wet kipper (as the saying goes) would be mor likely, along with a felling of something like "I told you so" or "Oi I'm here!" would be more like it.
    Seeing that you've experienced it in two locations, remote from each other, would belie it being connected, specifically, with either. This means it would either be connected to you, or more likely with an object that was present at both locations.
    If all it does when it manifests is snore then it might not be a spirit as such but like certain ghosts it may just something analogous to a recording. To clarify, when an object (or area) is around someone who does the same repeated action in that area, and strong feelings or emotions (apparently most often boredom or ennui) are present, these feelings leave an imprint of the action that plays back under certain conditions.
    Simply, what you may have is an object that had been around a snorer who experienced strong emotions in his sleep and what your experiencing is something similar to a video play back coming form whichever object holds it.
  • Apr 15, 2007, 04:49 PM
    It would not be an angel or guardian angel.

    Maybe there is a spirit with you, does not sound threatening at all.

    It is weird story, never heard one like this before.

    Snoring or breathing spirit or ghost. Learn something new everyday. (;
  • May 10, 2007, 01:44 PM

    Originally Posted by deloft1285
    I realize this is going to sound crazy, but I have to know whether or not anyone else has ever experienced anything like this, or if someone can help explain what's happening. I first experienced this just a couple of years ago while living in TX. I awoke in middle of the night to the sounds of snoring coming from the pillow right next to me. At first I thought maybe someone was under my bed and had fallen asleep. Then I thought surely I was dreaming, but it lasted for over a minute before it finally stopped. I just lay there frozen, too terrified to move for fear of waking whatever IT was lying next to me. I forgot all about it until it happened again the next time several months later. At one point, it strangely reminded of the comforting feeling I use to have of my husband sleeping next to me when I was married. But I've been divorced for over 20 years. So I wondered if the house was haunted, but I had lived there for almost 20 years and moved in right after it was built. So it did not appear to be suited for haunting, and seemed unlikely it would start after so many years. Then I moved to DC last year, and completely forgot about it. That is until it happened again just last week! Only difference was that It didn't snore this time, but instead was heavy breathing. But it was still frightening to me. It's just so strange to think ghosts/spirits or guardian angels would sleep and, even if they did sleep, that they would snore. Has anyone experienced anything like this or heard of anyone else who has? Or is this the first sign that I'm finally losing my mind?

    I have lived in my house for 7 yrs. 2 years I came home and heard an electric guitar playing in the basement and yelled "I home" who is down there and I went down there and there was no one. A couples months later I woke up to snoring-I listened to my husband and it wasn't him- I looked for my dog and children and they were not in the room. I got back in bed and heard the snoring all night long. I told my husband about the guitar and snoring but he never heard it. Then one evening he was watching TV in bed and I was putting my daughter to bed and he heard the snoring. He turned off the TV and the snoring was still there. Then 2 nights ago I heard the snoring. It was on floor at the foot of our bed at first it was the opposite of my husbands heavy breathing then after 30 minutes it was in sync with my husbands breathing but louder- I didn't go back to sleep and today I decided to Google snoring ghosts. Would love to know more-glad I'm not the only one to experience this.
  • Apr 12, 2011, 02:32 PM
    Well I know what you are going through every once and a while I feel someone laying down next to me but when I lokk there's no 1 there I'm trying to figure out why its happening to me. And why does it want to sleep next to me. I been thinking it could be a spirit of a little girl becase I'm always seen this ghost well I'm not sure but I do want some answer to help her rest in peace.
  • Nov 26, 2011, 06:18 AM
    I've had a similar experience about 4 times. It normally only happens when my husband is traveling. Two nights ago I slept in a separate room because I had to go to work early and didn't want to awaken my husband who was on vacation. Same thing happened, it felt like a male got into bed with me and cuddled. It feels like a lover who puts his leg over me and just snuggles in an affectionate, not threatening way. I can feel the weight of his body get in bed just like having my husband get in bed. But my husband never cuddles when he is in bed sleeping, he wraps himself in a blanket and sleeps like a mummy so I knew my husband could not have come in to sleep with me. I was in that half sort of twi-light sleep and went into a panic.It has only happened so far in the house I am in now which is very old. It is not a guardian angel. It is very strange.
  • Jun 12, 2012, 02:03 AM
    The more you move towards divinity and the light, the more you are attacked. This snoring entity is a psychic attack on you. Sometimes we are just attacked due to the way we are, born of pure white light and carry a pure heart. Such entities attach and hook themselves onto our chakras and are a part of our auric field. The best advice I would give it to go to an angel therapist and seek professional help to get it out from your space and later rejuvenate your chakras by being on a chakra crystal bed. Clear your space often at home with burning sage and cover yourself in white light.
  • May 5, 2013, 03:29 AM
    It's 2:49 am, May 5, 2013. I am so freaked out I am in tears. He's back. I have to document what just happened before I forget the details.

    I was in bed, I had been restless and couldn't sleep. Jr, my cocker spaniel was in bed with me, sleeping on his back with his legs in the air like he does, like an upside down furry statue. My husband, Frank, was in the living room watching TV and sleeping in his recliner chair, well, MY recliner because he hates his.

    I had just turned over on my side facing the dresser, the TV was on. I started hearing loud, long, rhythmic breathing, snoring, like it was coming from a large man and it took a lot of air to fill his lungs. It sounded like a scuba diver and it was coming from right behind me in the bed. I immediately thought it was Frank coming to bed... snoring?? That fast? He fell asleep that fast! I glanced behind me and he wasn't there.
    Hmmmm... was Jr. Snoring? I leaned in to listen to him, nothing. The loud, long deep breaths continued. I sat up and took notice now. What the hell was that!? I turned the TV sound off in the bedroom, trying to pinpoint the origin of this loud, in my face snoring! Someone had a hell of a nerve! I then came to the conclusion that Frank MUST be lying in the floor next to his side of the bed trying to scare me. It was so loud, so rude! But Frank didn't jump up to scare me. I kept waiting and listening, confused, trying to make sense of this, trying to connect the breathing with anything in the room. Two to three minutes have gone by... I suddenly knew I wasn't alone, and ice ran through my veins. I finally thought to try to get it on tape. I grabbed my phone, found the camera button, breathing continues, moved the camera button to video and forgot for about 5 seconds to hit record. I hit record and managed to get one good breath sound on tape. By then I was so freaked out I turned it off, jumped up and ran in the living room to see Frank asleep in his chair. I was crying and shaking. Frank woke up wondering what was going on, and then, of course, as usual, Frank said it was the wind or the door or whatever. Frank thinks he married a nut.
    He doesn't believe in spirits or ghosts or entities. If he can't see it, feel it, fish it or eat it, it doesn't exist.

    I texted my son Nick and my friends Jan and Vicki, because they believe... Jan's out celebrating her birthday and Vicki is in Mexico damaging her liver in Los Cabos with 82 other lucky women. Nick was busy watching a video with his friends and said he would watch the video I sent him of the snoring ghost in my bed when the video was over. (He sort of thinks his Mom MIGHT be a nut, but that would mean his genealogy pool had sprung a leak and he can't quite go there, so he tries his damnedest to believe. Nick is analytical. He's a mechanical engineer so he likes to reason it all out, investigate all the facts and try to come to a logical conclusion. And if that fails, he's pragmatic enough and smart enough to know it could be supernatural. Analytical minds don't have fences, it's so cool.

    I texted my sister Melody and my friend Nicole... Nicole recently had a ghost visit her and her husband in her hotel room in Las Vegas so she believed me.
    Nicole said, "Damn Nina, even dead people wanna sleep with you!" Then she told me, "Maybe it's Elvis! You should pretend it is!" I have some very funny friends. And entities with nasal problems who sleep around.

    I can't sleep now... ever again?

    Jr finally figured out there's a stranger amongst us and he's sitting straight up, staring and sniffing. He won't come back to bed and he's yelling at me in dog talk to get out of that haunted bed, fool! He's falling asleep sitting up. Good dog. A little late, but you know the lazy scuba diving ghost doesn't belong here.

    Good night moon. Good night stars. Good night Elvis... wherever you are's.
    P.S. nice to know I'm not alone... it's happened to others! Maybe I'm not nuts!
  • May 5, 2013, 06:45 PM
    No, you're not nuts... but maybe a bit dramatic.
  • May 5, 2013, 08:18 PM

    Originally Posted by hauntinghelper View Post
    No, you're not nuts....but maybe a bit dramatic.

    LOL! I know... I'm writing a book and decided to write a chapter while describing my experience... it took away my fear. I stayed up till 6 am I was so scared. What do you think it was? Ghost? I got one breath on tape... snoring ghosts... shudder!!
  • May 6, 2013, 04:02 AM

    Originally Posted by Neenat View Post
    LOL! I know...I'm writing a book and decided to write a chapter while describing my took away my fear. I stayed up till 6 am I was so scared. What do you think it was? Ghost? I got one breath on tape...snoring ghosts...shudder!!!

    From what your saying itsounds like it was dreaming. One noise doesn't make a ghost and the way wind or other conditions can cause noises there is little evidence at this time to support a haunting.
  • May 6, 2013, 09:07 AM
    I understand your skepticism, I wouldn't believe it either. There was no wind, no windows or doors were open and this wasn't one little noise. This was 2-3 minutes of loud snoring and heavy breathing and I was wide awake, sitting up in bed trying to figure out what it was. If I was dreaming how did I get it on video tape? It happened again last night but to a lesser degree. This isn't the first time. Chandeliers swing for no reason, again, No air on or no windows open. That's on video too. I hear distinct footsteps in the house walking when I'm the only one here. I always think it's my husband, that he's come home, only to call him and find out he's 30 miles away. Something is going on here. I think it's following me because in our other house doors open on their own. I don't know what or why but I hope it doesn't happen again tonight. I know I made light of it in my story, but this scares the hell out of me. I always try to explain it away. I can't explain 3 minutes of heavy breathing/snoring right next to me when no one is there. I don't think it/he/she means harm. Maybe I should calm down and try to communicate with it? If I can. Don't know if that's possible.
  • May 6, 2013, 04:07 PM
    Well, I for one appreciate what cdad is trying to get at. It's almost impossible for us to say here what is really going on in your home. Sometimes all we can do is suggest a possible explanation. If you were wide awake and no other explanation seems logical, it is possible that a spirit is in your home. Personally I never advise anyone to try and communicate with a spirit. Whether they seem physically harmless isn't always the issue. When people are extremely tense or scared about their situation at home, I believe the best thing you could do is speak with a local pastor about that situation.
  • May 6, 2013, 04:51 PM
    As far as communicating with this entity I never recommend it other then telling it to go. Any type of communication other then that which pushs it away can create an undesired benefit. There are many many natural things that can occur to make something happen. Our minds can play tricks with sound and we hear what we perceive as a sound when its not that sound at all. You have to be grounded when doing any kind of investigation. If your not then whatever it is can and will control you as you allow it to lead. Fear is a powerful motivator. Do not allow it. If you have more evidence or can make more recordings and your comfortable with that then do so. Not direct communication. Also realiza that some hauntings are not of a nature that is on our level. They are the residual ones and they play over and over through time. There is no interaction its just something you can observe and it runs its course.
  • May 6, 2013, 06:18 PM
    Thank you, I won't try to communicate with it. If it happens again I will just video it. Im definitely not grounded about this and very fearful. Maybe it's over... I hope. I'll remember what you said. Makes sense. Thanks again! :-)
  • Sep 7, 2013, 08:47 PM
    I am a spiritual person, I start seeing 11:11 2 years earlier.And I believe they might be and angel or spiritual guidance next to me. So far I had 2 experience with ghost or whatever it is sleeping next to me. The first one is when Im at my home sleeping in the living room and one of my friend woke up in the middle of the night thought it was my dad sleeping next to me.. But my dad sleeping in his room, and I didn't know who sleeping with me until morning my friend and me having a conversation. The 2nd time happened yesterday in hotel room, which I tried to move my body to the right but I can't because I feel like someone is sleeping next to me. I feel a little bit nervous but since Im too tired I just let it happened.. And next morning Right now Im writing this to share with you guys lol it still unexplainable phenomenon for me
  • Sep 7, 2013, 09:25 PM
    I hope our "guardians" don't have to sleep.

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