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  • Mar 1, 2013, 03:36 AM
    Not Gaining Weight

    My 16 year old daughter was 6 weeks prem and weighed 3lb 14oz at birth.
    She's always had issues with being underweight.
    She's 5' 4" and weighs 6.4 stones (around 41 kg). She's had blood tests done and everything's fine on that front.
    She's not sporty and I drop her off at school etc
    She eats cream cakes, fast food, bacon rolls etc and has just started multivitamins.
    She has around 3 portions of fruit/veg per day - strawberries, walnuts, oranges etc Drinks milk shakes, canned juices, fruit smoothies.
    I witness all of the above and she is not bulimic - I keep a close eye on that, just to make sure.
    She has a dietician appointment in 3 weeks.
    What's going on? Why won't she put on weight?
    I'd appreciate any advice.

    ( Blood tests were for diabetes, full blood count, thyroid, calcium, coeliac -
    Haemoglobin was normal but iron reserves were low and she had high alkaline phosphatase which our Dr put down to a 'growth spurt', even though she hasn't grown even a cm, since last year!).
  • Mar 1, 2013, 09:54 AM
    Hi Ajkk44

    Hard to say for sure, but for the sake of argument, let's assume that this is just an adolescent that has difficulty gaining weight as some kids do.

    If your daughter does indeed have difficulty gaining weight AND isn't gaining on a "normal" diet then she needs to increase here caloric intake... only way weight can be gained! Weight gain/loss is a simple mathematical equation... more calories in than calories burned equals weight gain, period!

    To make it quality weight gain (not fatty weight gain) I would suggest increasing her PROTEIN INTAKE. Here, this can be done using lean cuts of chicken/fish or it can be done with beans/quinoa (and so many other examples). Another good source of protein that is especially convenient is WHEY protein shakes... available anywhere nowadays.

    GNC, just as an example, sells a weight lifter's heavy gain protein drink. This protein is super high calorie and super high protein and is what weight lifters use to gain size quickly. Be clear that to gain the best weight (muscle) your daughter should be working out with weights or doing some kind of weight bearing exercises (dance/gymnastics, swimming, judo, etc.) and doing some light cardio throughout the week, every week. It doesn't have to be a lot and it should be something she enjoys, but it has to get her using her muscles, for sure!

    I can tell you if she increases her protein intake to say 100-150 grams per day and increases her caloric intake, she'll be gaining weight in no time!

    Finally, continue to work with her doctors and maybe consider consulting a good nutritionist... shouldn't be too tough here IF she wants to gain weight. If your daughter doesn't want to gain weight you can try everything under the sun and she won't so make this as fun/positive as you can to increase the chances of a positive result!

    Good luck!

  • Mar 6, 2013, 05:41 AM
    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for your reply.
    My brother also talked about this and I think I need to, at least, try this out.
    My daughter's a bit stubborn and I'm going to have to try the diplomatic approach.

    ( I decided to go through her pockets... bad parent?. and found her lunch money untouched. Now I think she's been skipping lunch the days I force her to have breakfast).

    Aah, the joys of parenthood.

    Thanks again and I appreciate your advice.

  • Mar 6, 2013, 10:53 PM
    "Now I think she's been skipping lunch the days I force her to have breakfast"...

    If this is the case then in my experience as a parent you either leave it alone ENTIRELY and let her figure things out by herself or even through peer pressure... that, or you involve a psychologist and a nutritionist!

    As you have already figured out, forcing her to do almost anything won't work at this age!

    As you also know the ride you are on probably won't get easier for quite awhile, but it will get better (my daughter was 22 before she really started to get it... ;)).

    Talk, love, share ideas, make it fun if you can! Involve others if you really think you need too... sometimes hard love is the best medicine!

    Best wishes to you and yours...

  • Aug 25, 2014, 10:01 PM
    I have known many friends who are really skinny but very healthy. I think its her metabolism.

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