New Member
Oct 20, 2018, 08:33 AM
Brain Washed
My son & daughter are 47 & 43 yrs. old. immature for their age, they seem to be brain washed by my siblings on chat . I can hear all of them talking everyday, this has been going on for three years. When I question my son & daughter, they say i'm hearing things & their not talking with anyone. I know they are because I stand beside their doors and hear my siblings & them. The talks their having aren't good on my behalf. I know their trying to convince them to place me in a crazy place or jail. I come from a very respectful family. Can't understand any of this. Now their talking with my other family members. What can I do. I'm a nervous wreck. Need answer soon, please.
Oct 20, 2018, 09:05 AM
Why are you standing by their door listening?
Why are you living with them? Or they living with you?
Oct 20, 2018, 12:56 PM
Stop standing behind the door eavesdropping as it seems to feed your paranoia, and get them all seated and talking honestly. That may require you being willing to listen. Can you do that?
You have not even revealed to us WHY they would be doing what you say they are doing and the WHY is an important thing to know. It's not an easy thing to tell an elder, or elderly parent that their behavior is CONCERNING and more than difficult for family to deal with.
Are you difficult to deal with?
Uber Member
Oct 21, 2018, 05:36 AM
Sounds like they are concerned for your well being! Does not have anything to do with maturity level. We are only getting one side of the story. It does sound like their is paranoia on your part. You are eavesdropping on adults. Having a family meeting would probably be beneficial. Has there ever been any type of counseling? Not sure of the living arrangements. Has there been any mental health issues on any sides of the family?
Oct 21, 2018, 06:43 AM
Let’s just say they are trying to put you “in a crazy place or jail.” The reality is they can’t place you in “a crazy place” unless a doctor or judge deems you to be a danger to yourself or others. As for jail, they can’t put you there either unless you do something illegal.
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