New Member
Apr 24, 2017, 02:12 AM
Oak mites
How do I get rid of oak mites in my yard
Pest Control Expert
Apr 24, 2017, 03:05 AM
Oak leaf itch mites are fairly new in the States, and are becoming more problematic as they live primarily inside leaf galls where pesticides can't reach. Most researchers are still trying to figure out how to keep them from biting people and how to alleviate the rash they cause.
So far the only effective solutions have been rather radical, involving removing the trees they live in. Personally I don't think even that will work, as these mites are small enough to ride the winds.
My only suggestion is to stock up on calamine.
Uber Member
Apr 24, 2017, 01:54 PM
Totally agree with Catsmine. Use some insect repellant, they (oak mites) bite like a chigger. You will not kill the mites when they are in the oak galls.
Apr 25, 2017, 06:24 AM
The other posters are right you cannot eliminate them completely, but you can protect yourself.
Here are some quick tips to help prevent bites from oak mites:
- Wear long sleeves and a hat while working outside. Because the mites fall from trees or are carried by wind, the most suceptible place to be bitten is your head, neck, and upper body.
- Because the oak mites will stay on your body for several hours, immediately take a shower and wash your clothes after working in the yard.
Pest Control Expert
Apr 25, 2017, 03:39 PM
Had to edit Talaniman's post. The quote recommended spraying trees with a product that could be toxic to bees and pollinators
Apr 25, 2017, 04:31 PM
Thanks Cats, but I think this is still relevant today
Because there isn't a product that will kill the mites before they hatch, the mites won't disappear until the second hard freeze of the year... Treat the welts with anti-histamine lotion or anti-itch cream and leave it alone. The welt may stay on your body for several weeks. As always, visit a doctor if the welts become painful or don't get better.
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