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  • Feb 20, 2018, 11:21 AM
    Shadow Identity Dream
    Last night, I was waking up a lot. Sleeping off and on. It was about 5am - 6am when I had a dream. Normally I do not remember my dreams but this one felt real. In my dream, I felt a presence was coming for me. So I got out of bed and I hid in the corner by the door on the right side facing the door. I remember seeing a shadow outside the door. Then the door opened. There was a wind that blew a loose-leaf paper. There was a shadow that was in front of me but he did not noticed me yet. Then he turned his head quickly and said " I found you" Almost like we were playing hide and seek. This dark horned creature was a shadow with only his eyes to be seen, maybe his mouth as well. I can not seem to recover from this dream occurrence all day. I do not know what this means or maybe it means nothing. A little freaked out.
  • Feb 20, 2018, 02:36 PM
    I don't think the Grim Reaper has a horn so you are in luck there.

    I never seen one of mine come true and the recurring dreams I think are kind of cool. I get the worst dreams when I eat pizza late at night.
  • Feb 21, 2018, 06:17 AM
    OP: it seems you have confused "physics" with "psychics." I suggest you repost this in the correct forum.
  • Feb 21, 2018, 06:32 AM
    How about the physiology of dreaming? I went through a period of several years when I would sometimes be dreaming as I woke. But the dreams were not 'streaming' as we remember life. They were a rapid fire stream of photo stills, about 4 per second, very fast. I wonder if that's how our brains store images, and then we have another mechanism to blend them into a real looking video.

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