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  • May 10, 2016, 06:39 AM
    Are you an Alpha Male?
    Is this a normal question for a job interview? My son is a disabled Marine and he told me about this question.
  • May 10, 2016, 06:49 AM
    An interviewer can ask any question they want to assess whether the potential job candidate is suitable or not. Handling an unusual question is part of the test and what matters is how he answered the question.

    What was his answer?
  • May 10, 2016, 06:54 AM
    Perfectly normal if the job requires someone who is a self starter, take charge type of person... not someone who mopes around until someone tells him something needs done every-time something needs done.
  • May 10, 2016, 04:32 PM

    Originally Posted by oldsw View Post
    Is this a normal question for a job interview? My son is a disabled Marine and he told me about this question.

    No, don't think this is a normal question for an interview under the circumstances. The military has his records to validate his performance while on duty.


    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Perfectly normal if the job requires someone who is a self starter, take charge type of person... not someone who mopes around until someone tells him something needs done every-time something needs done.

    You are sending the wrong message with yr answer. We don't know what job, what is expected of him.

    MOPE around, rearly. Post traumatic stress disorder would be a good indication of 'mope around'.
  • May 10, 2016, 04:52 PM
    Your son is a disabled marine. What job did he apply for?

    An interviewer for high end jobs will ask questions to throw off the interviewee. My favorite is "tell me five things you excel at, and five things you fail at". Wow! You really have to think on your feet for that one, and be honest as well. My answers always boosted my good points, and not my faults. Five things I excel at: 1. I'm very reliable 2. I'm a quick learner 3. I'm very punctual, 4. I always give 110% 5. I work hard.

    Things I fail at: 1. I care too much about my job and will do everything I can to excel at it even if it means not sleeping at night because I'm worrying about the company. 2. I give 110% from the start and because of that most employers think I can and should give 200% when I already maxed out at 110% 3. I worry about the business I'm working at, and if it's failing I feel like I can change that even when it's not in my power to do so. I'll wear myself down doing my best to stop it from failing. 4. I will give up time with my family so I can be at work early, or stay late, to make a difference for the company I'm working for. 5. No matter the position or pay I'm given, I always give it my all, sometimes to the detriment of myself and my family.

    All true, but none of it's really negative for them. They'll use me to better their company because I will let them use me to better their company.

    Your son has served as a marine, he's disabled, but that doesn't mean that companies will just hire him because he's a marine and disabled. Do you get what I'm saying? He needs to be ready and able to do the job, and ready and able to get the job. The questions during an interview are the easy part. The job will be harder. If he can't get through the questions, maybe he's not ready for the job.

    I feel bad for him, but the real world means being able to put disabilities aside. Is he ready for this next step? Maybe he needs some help before he gets a job.
  • May 10, 2016, 05:33 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    No, don't think this is a normal question for an interview under the circumstances. The military has his records to validate his performance while on duty.

    You are sending the wrong message with yr answer. We don't know what job, what is expected of him.

    MOPE around, rearly. Post traumatic stress disorder would be a good indication of 'mope around'.

    Someone who Mopes around in American Vernacular is someone that doesn't take initiative and waits around to be told what to do...trying to do as little as they can... and that has nothing to do with any PTSD. I work with some of those every day...There isn't a lot of employers who prefer that type, though there might be insecure managers afraid someone might go after their jobs in time.

    Particularly when used in the Context of the type of worker they would which case this does since it was at an interview.
  • May 10, 2016, 10:36 PM
    I was asked once, if I was a tree, what type of tree would I be.

    It is not a average question for Walmart clerk. But may be one used for police departments and security firms. Also for sales forces and so on.

    It may also be a gender equality issue question for some jobs.
  • May 11, 2016, 04:07 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    I was asked once, if I was a tree, what type of tree would I be.

    It is not a average question for Walmart clerk. But may be one used for police departments and security firms. Also for sales forces and so on.

    It may also be a gender equality issue question for some jobs.

    I'd be an evergreen. Green all year round, and when I get too big, or too pretty, I'll be cut down and be a Christmas tree. I also smell great, and make great furniture, and when burned, I make the entire house smell wonderful.

    Yup, definitely an evergreen. :)

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