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  • Mar 2, 2016, 02:33 PM
    Are there the changes of natural disasters soon based on the following symptoms?
    Hello, I am living in India and currently in my city it is raining and lightening. My concern is extremely crucial for me! As I am typing, I can hear the loud noises of thundering. The current season is however of summer and rainy season is after months. This is maybe the sign of the climate change. And I find this very unusual, I mean winter has just passed and now is summer and rain at the same time!

    I have observed in the past few days that America also experienced the severe cold this year. News declared it as one of the worst cold season of all the time. It was really so cold from the news I had seen and also had some reviews from some American friends and they agreed about it.

    I have just captured these two scenes and it would be unfair for me to jump to a conclusion by myself. Therefore, at 3 am in the morning I am asking you if there is the chance of any natural disasters, I mean serious and traumatic disasters (like the end of the world). I hope not!
  • Mar 2, 2016, 05:38 PM
    Global warming is a fraud. Calling it Climate change is stupid... because climate has changed since the earth cooled and an atmosphere was formed. Millions of years before life existed... and its going to continue changing long after humans are gone...

    30 years ago the same group was claiming we were entering an ice age... no credible proof exists that the climate has changed beyond its normal cycles... and come cycles are proven to be far longer than we have actually been keeping accurate records.

    How did Vikings Grow grapes in Norway and Greenland a thousand years ago... its too cold there and has been for centuries. Part of the normal cycle of things.

    I am not ancient by most peoples standards I am 54. I've seen far colder weather in my youth... I've also seen far hotter weather in my youth... what I see now is NOT at all unusual. Over 30 years ago I remember it being 70 degrees F on New years day... which for us in the Northern hemisphere is the middle of winter, we get snow two months before that and 3 months after that at times where I Lived then. I remember it well because I was rebuilding a transmission outside on my deck in a t-shirt and was sweating.

    And don't trust the news... most of the people on the news are idiots. Pushing what they want you to hear, not what actually is happening. And I've seen hundreds if not thousands of examples over the last 35 years as an adult when the "News" reporters not only stretched the truth... but actually flat out lied about what actually happened. Journalist is synonymous with Propagandist in most if not all of the world. A code of ethics does not exist in Journalism.

    Weather isn't constant... it never was... it isn't now... and it never will be in the future. That's why its called weather.

    I think you are jumping to conclusions based on fraudulent information you have been given. Which is not belittling you. A lot of people are in the same situation you are in. Most people have to believe what they are told because they have no way of knowing otherwise.
  • Mar 2, 2016, 09:57 PM
    Thanks for your answer! I am awaken now! As you could see my question was merely a fear influenced by the news that I have received. However, I did not want to make up my mind based on basically no prominent research. Therefore, I asked the question. I see I can agree with you. Calling it climate change is not relevant. Climate has been changing since the beginning of the beginning! Neither our planet nor we are the same as before. With much more calmer mind, I am able to understand your answer. Thank you so much for your precious time and knowledge.

  • Mar 3, 2016, 03:57 AM
    First of all, I am in the US, and my state is having a RECORD warm winter. I mean a real record, the warmest since records began. The El Nino cycles that begin in the Pacific Ocean had very strong indicators this year, so we are 'just' in an El Nino, but a very extra warm one.
    Second, global warming is not a fraud. People look out their windows or watch their local weather report, or even go by their whole country, and that is meaningless overall.
    Satellites clearly show the ice caps, the mountain snow caps, the glaciers, all waxing and waning as usual, but waning more than waxing. World temp records ARE rising. Tiny creatures who are sensitive to one degree are being wiped out, while others proliferate.
    The oceans, we now know, have helped keep all the dire predictions at bay, but they have a tipping point after which they can do no more (churning of cold water up from the depths).
    There's a tipping point with melting too - snow reflects the sun back and helps keep areas cold, but water, being dark, absorbs sun, speeding up warming exponentially.
    Smoothy is talking to his hat.
  • Mar 3, 2016, 05:48 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    First of all, I am in the US, and my state is having a RECORD warm winter. I mean a real record, the warmest since records began. The El Nino cycles that begin in the Pacific Ocean had very strong indicators this year, so we are 'just' in an El Nino, but a very extra warm one.
    Second, global warming is not a fraud. People look out their windows or watch their local weather report, or even go by their whole country, and that is meaningless overall.
    Satellites clearly show the ice caps, the mountain snow caps, the glaciers, all waxing and waning as usual, but waning more than waxing. World temp records ARE rising. Tiny creatures who are sensitive to one degree are being wiped out, while others proliferate.
    The oceans, we now know, have helped keep all the dire predictions at bay, but they have a tipping point after which they can do no more (churning of cold water up from the depths).
    There's a tipping point with melting too - snow reflects the sun back and helps keep areas cold, but water, being dark, absorbs sun, speeding up warming exponentially.
    Smoothy is talking to his hat.

    Here I am not trying to say that Global Warming is fake. But calling it climate change is maybe not the ideal term for it. Like what Smoothy said, it is stupid. The weather has been changing since the beginning. When life was not developed on this planet, it is believed that volcanoes were erupting everywhere. There has been different stages. So climate change has been since the climate has been formed. I may be wrong. I might be missing some data. But with the present my knowledge, I think calling it a climate change is not ideal. While the other issue that is Global Warming is evidently true. Scientific reports are the evidence. What Smoothy said about news is at the same time true. Here, I am differentiating reports to news because most of the news channels exaggerate and show what they want others to believe. While the certified reports are explaining what it is seen to us. For instance, massive increase of CO2 and other hazardous gases in our atmosphere and many other factors against healthy environment leading us to Global Warming.
  • Mar 3, 2016, 06:01 AM
    YES to your last sentence. And CO2 is just one of the factors.
    I don't read any second hand news; only the science sites that have the satellites and deep ocean data.
    I have one friend who is a climatologist.
    It's difficult sometimes to convince people that natural cycles and changes can exist along with man made changes. That's one reason why it isn't easy to sort the two out.
    The Arctic Circle is full of oil. So far, the land under the ice belongs to no one, and the UN is in charge of it.
    Now, however, all the countries bordering it want to claim the land so that they can get oil. They are happy to spend money on fake science. They WANT warming. They don't care about all the other horrible effects. The first effect will be a huge decrease in mountain top snow melt, feeding rivers and streams that provide water for more than half the world's poor. It's already starting.

    What do you suggest for a term instead of climate change? Man made climate change is kind of wordy.
  • Mar 3, 2016, 06:53 AM
    Your text interests me. I do also visit science websites and read absolutely lovely ocean science data. :) And yes as I already mentioned that CO2 is just one of the factors. Californian drought has been one of the popular catastrophes of 2015. It is depressing to see the difference between the water sources and land of years ago from what they are now. The India's capital i.e. Delhi is suffering through severe environment pollution due to the increase in the usage of transportation. It is bad, too bad. Then there is worse, many sudden natural calamities occurred in the past few years. I was shocked to see the mixture of three seasons in a single day which is definitely not usual for the weather in the area where I live. And the worst thing is that government is spending money on war!

    My belief says that we are human species and instead of fighting with each other which is total inhuman behavior, we should focus more on improving our only home so far i.e. is our planet earth.
  • Mar 3, 2016, 07:00 AM
    Cheers to that. I'd like to see all of use forced to live in bubble cities on the moon and Mars, and the Earth turned into a park. We get to visit once every 5 years for 6 months, and have to pass a test first.
  • Mar 3, 2016, 08:22 AM
    I have to agree to disagree with joypulv on this... but I still like her just the same.

    I have extensive reasons for what I said.. I could literally spend days writing them all out but I don't have the time and I have no intent of making it into an argument. Because in the end.. all you end up with are hard feelings, stressed out and nothing else has really changed either way.

    Worry about the things you do have direct control over... and try to not sweat out the things you can't. Your stress levels are lower and you enjoy life more.

    That's one of those things the older you get... the better you understand. Joy knows it better than me... and I know it better than you most likely (I am guessing you are fairly young)
  • Mar 3, 2016, 06:22 PM
    I just read an editorial in a local paper espousing solar and wind power to help prevent climate change. However, I replied by asking the writer to consider that (A)the caveman had nothing to do with the last "global warming" when the glaciers retreated (B) and less than 5% of generated power is derived from solar and wind but the EPA is now suing CA to stop increasing solar at some sites because of the "UNANTICIPATED extremely high death toll of incinerated birds". Scientific American reported that in 2012, "over 1,300,000 birds and bats were killed in wind farms by striking the rotors". The darker side of "helping" climate change.

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