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  • Jan 31, 2016, 08:24 PM
    Dog Bite
    I was recently bit by my brother's dog 1-31-16 on my left arm, the dog left a little hole in my arm, if you wasn't paying attention you would notice it. It is sore too the touch. I was wondering what can I do at home, so I wouldn't have too go to the hospital?
  • Jan 31, 2016, 09:48 PM
    Why the obsession to not see a doctor? It might be infected and could become seriously infected.
  • Jan 31, 2016, 10:10 PM

    There not much you can do at home , I mean you can clean it etc though if it is open you may need it closed by a doctor.

    " a little hole in my arm "

    What do you mean by this , I mean by this statement it could be big enough to need one or two stitches. Also Your risk of infection increases the longer the wound remains open.

    A dog bite is also a more serious wound due to the bacteria in a dogs mouth so generally all dog bites should be checked out by a doctor even if minor.If the skin around the wound becomes red, warm, swollen, or increasingly painful; a wound infection may be present and medical care should be sought.

    Note = The above are a few of the first signs of infection possibly happening.

    Hope this helps
  • Feb 1, 2016, 04:36 AM
    There is not much you can do at home??? WRONG!!! You wash any break in the skin immediately with soap and water!!!!

    If there is any antibacterial soap around the house, use that, but wash it NOW!!!
    Then dab a little peroxide on it, or even some alcohol! Go buy some 'triple antibiotic' cream. Keep it covered with gauze wrapped around your arm. Or a bandaid if that's all you have.

    The point is NOW NOW NOW.
    I had 'a little hole' behind one knee from a bug bite and didn't know it was there. Infection got in and gave me a bad case of cellulitis. A bright red rash spread quickly all over my leg from top to bottom, and I eventually ended up in an ER on a drip. Several other of the regulars here have had the same thing.

    Keep an eye on it for signs of redness, pus, swelling and go to a clinic at the first sign.

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