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  • Nov 16, 2015, 02:54 PM
    My daughter needs car insurance
    I would like to have advise what is the best way to do my daughter's car insurance.

    She is 20 yrs, student and under my policy before.
    But she received speed ticket over 25mph and my insurance preminium became double.
    So I decided I designate one car to her name and asked her to get own insurance.

    Some insurance quoted her $6000/yr for coverage.
    The other one rejected.
    Do you think she will be able to find some insurance company to issue the policy?

    She lives near the campus now so she can do without car.

    1.she will not drive a car for a while till her record clear.
    2.She will be include under my policy.
  • Nov 16, 2015, 04:40 PM
    1.she will not drive a car for a while till her record clear.
    2.She will be include under my policy. What does that mean? Depends on what you mean "clears", in most states that is 2-3 years on an MVR. Let her get an older car and state minimum liability insurance, no Comprehensive or collision. If she stays under your policy and has a +25 MPH ticket, you better be sure to get at least a $1,000,000 umbrella.
  • Nov 16, 2015, 04:55 PM
    I agree with ma0641. +25 over will get you jail time in some states. No wonder nobody will insure her. If you keep her on your policy or let her drive any of your vehicles... you better have a $1,000,000 umbrella because eits not a question of IF but when she has a bad accdent... and with her on your policy... YOU will be sued for anything over what the insurance pays... and that means say bye to your house, savings accounts, and your 401k's and even Pensions. And yes they could come after any new savings the rest of your lives if that happens.

    Sorry if that sounds harsh... but +25 is wreckless driving anywhere and a felony in some states as well if they decided to push it. This is not a minor ticket... and since she has nothing... they can and will go after the owner of the car and the assets of the policy holder. Which would be you.

    Alarmist... not really. Its not like it was 20+ years ago... there are too many people that will sue for any little thing these days looking for an easy paycheck... and when something bad happens, you can all but count on it.

    It may mean she doesn't get to drive anything at all the next 5 years.

    Any policy from any company she will find... its going to charge her through the nose... literally with that on her record with so little time with a license. Because its never a "one time event" nor the first time she did it. And the rates reflect the knowledge it won't likely be the last either.

    I'd be more forgiving on a MINOR ticket as would many insurance companies... but that's a whopper. I'm surprised her license wasn't revoked or suspended. In Virginia it would have been... she would have been fined THOUSANDS as well. And they do that for 20+ here... or anything over 80 which some places is only 10+ as some interstates have a 70 mph limit. I've gotten my share of tickets...none that serious, and I've fought them I've seen what a lot others have gotten in court. I'd I've seen several months of jail time before JUST for a 25+ violation a few times and lengthy suspensions (up to a year) on every one I can remember.

    If I did something like that which caused my parents insurance to double when I was that age. I would not be driving at all until I could afford my own insurance. Because I would have been off of it in a hurry. And I had good, very giving parents.

    You have some very hard thinking to do.....since the risks have been explained to you. Cheap insurance isn't in her near future....or yours as long as she's on it.
  • Nov 17, 2015, 04:15 AM
    6000 per year, sounds like a very expensive car.
    Perhaps buy her a old junk car and get her liability insurance only.

    But if she will not drive at all, take her off your insurance (she will not be covered driving any of your cars) your insurance goes back down.

    How much more is your 25 percent? Take her off all but one car, of yours, then only one car 25 percent higher

    There are dozens of companies, you need to call many, also try some of the independent insurers, they write policies for little known companies, that may have lower rates.

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