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  • Aug 25, 2014, 05:27 PM
    Spouse accompanying me on doctor's visit
    Lately a lot of doctor's are telling me that my spouse cannot accompany me to the exam room due to recent Hippa Law regulations. My last visit was to get a SI joint injection. I was called back to this room that had curtains running from the ceiling to the floor and a curtain up front that could be opened or closed for privacy. I was told to undress leaving my undergarments on, and put the gown on, they would come get me to take me to the procedure room. My spouse and I understand that they cannot accompany me to the procedure room, but why cant my spouse attend the pre-procedure room?
  • Aug 25, 2014, 05:55 PM
    Some physician's may be really gunshy about HIPAA. So they err on the side of caution. As long as you sign a waiver that your spouse is allowed to know your medical records (and I've signed just such a waiver with my physician, there is no problem with HIPAA. On the other hand, they may just being using HIPAA to keep unnecessary folks out of the way.
  • Aug 25, 2014, 06:00 PM
    So glad to live in Canada. We do have regulations, but nothing as scary as HIPAA. My husband was allowed to be in the room for any procedure I wanted him to be there for, because I okayed it! If I want him there for a simple medical consult at my doctors office, he's there. I want him in the room when I give birth to our children, he's there. No legal crap needed. Then again, in Canada we're not as sue happy as people are in the US.

    I agree with Scott, get a written waiver, just so they can cover their butts, so they have something in writing saying that you okayed it.
  • Aug 25, 2014, 06:03 PM
    Me and my wife each have wavers signed for each other. We are married, Why shouldn't we. Any married couple that doesn't because they don't want their spouse knowing has some very deeply rooted problems. We often are in the same room during a visit. I'd start thinking twice about my choice in doctors if they prevented it.
  • Aug 25, 2014, 07:36 PM
    Your doctor was supposed to offer you a waiver with the original HIPAA notice. You could have added your husband at that time and still can.
  • Aug 25, 2014, 11:09 PM
    Tell them he is going back with you, if they say no, try ignore them and he just go back. It is not a violation if you are allowing him access.

    Remember, they are providing a service, one you can get 100's of places, so they need to listen to customers.

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