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  • Mar 4, 2013, 08:56 PM
    I had a dream that I was going to die and read the Kalima?
    I had a dream that I was going to die and read the Kalima?

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    I had a dream a couple of days ago that I flew to China and as soon as I've landed an earthquake causes the land the split apart and I run for my life and read the first Kalima out loud however I don't die and manage to stay alive. I just checked the news and an earthquake actually happened in China on Sunday. I had this dream before the earthquake happened. Do you know what this dream means?

    I hope you can help me find out the meaning behind this.


    P.s. I've had no intentions of flying to China ever.
  • Mar 5, 2013, 10:44 AM
    Bless you. You are going through transition period in your real life and you think that religion will help you. Try to find out practical solutions of your problems and you don't need to read kalima in the dreams.
  • Jun 30, 2013, 05:46 PM
    I think it may mean that something is going to happen where you need to make a major decision and its not going to be easy, but you will need to look deep inside your spirit for what's best
  • Jun 9, 2014, 01:54 AM
    I saw that a monster looking like jeepers creepers was here to kill my family so
    We had to hide he said the first person he sees will be killed first I hid to save my brother I came out of my hidding place then I ranned in a room and locked myself the monster shout that come here or you'll see so I came to him I read the kalima I was ready for him to kill me but he got his hands blocking his ears so I kept saying it and their was a mean girl with a headscarf trying to get me but she didn't had that much force... their were a little white girl I'm a girl 13 years old I was doing the azan I pray 5 times I just actually prayed fajar and saw this dream I also saw in the TV (still in dream after me doing the azan) I saw something wrote in Arabic telling me to convert people to Islam because the last sign has been found day of judgement is near the girl was a ghost she started crying and I converted her to Islam and told her to say sorry to Allah...

    Sorry if I made a mistake but I just want to know I'm scared of this dream and confused what was the message I'm only 13 years old.

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