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  • May 25, 2012, 08:46 AM
    Should I do homeschooling next year?
    My mother was talking to her friend who's son is in home schooling. She said that it helped bring up his grades from failing to a pluses. The thing is, he doesn't really have friends now since he diesnt really do any sports and he can't see his friends anymore. My mom said that I should do home schooling next year, first year of high school, just to see how I would like it. I do sports and I am involved with school, so I can still see my friends, but I was wondering, if anyone out there is reading this and does what I said I might be doing, please comment and tell me how it is. Thanks!
  • May 25, 2012, 09:03 AM
    Would one of your parents plan a curriculum for you and be your teacher? Homeschooling isn't just a ton of fun, but takes a lot of planning and work.

    Are you have problems in school and low grades?
  • May 25, 2012, 09:10 AM
    Homeschooling is wonderful for some, and the worst thing for others.

    I know one family where the do not make the child study, the parents do not take time to teach and for the last year the child is most likley further behind than they were and not lazy about doing any school work.

    I have another family where the child just took the CAT and even the CAT for the grade year abvoe them. And aced both, They are in 6th grade and got above average on the 7th grade end of the year test.

    But everything they do is class, the child helps do all the shopping and has to figure prices, they go to events in town every week as a learning experience, As for friends, they have all the kids in the neighborhood, they are in martial arts and have friends there, they do church and have friends there.

    Often many kids that are home schooled from early grade are much more mature and if there is any issue, they talk at a higher level than other kids their age. Assuming the parents can teach that level.

    So does one of your parents stay home during the day to "teach" you ? Have they looked into online and/or homeschool programs ( they are not cheap) Did they look at some of the accedited programs.

    Have they made plans for other outside actifities for you.
  • May 25, 2012, 11:55 AM
    I will be doing an online charter school if I do homeschooling and yes I have trouble with my grades
  • May 25, 2012, 12:01 PM
    So how will homeschooling help you improve your grades?
  • May 25, 2012, 12:09 PM
    Online charter school ( at least from the US side of it) is not real home schooling it is still state
    (school district) controlled schooling and controlled by the rules of the district.

    Also what classes you take are controlled as well as testing and other issues.
    While this is fine, this does not really help you with your grades, unless a parent is going to be home and is able to help you with each class
  • May 26, 2012, 04:45 PM
    Wondergirl- I have been bullied a lot and that brought them down. My mom thinks without the bullies there, then I can improve my grades.
  • May 26, 2012, 05:05 PM

    Originally Posted by eurogirl615 View Post
    Wondergirl- I have been bullied a lot and that brought them down. My mom thinks without the bullies there, then i can improve my grades.

    But do you and your mom have a solid, organized plan for homeschooling, for coursework? Or maybe it would be a better thing that you learn how to deal with bullies (and help other kids learn how to), instead of hiding from them at home. If bullies are a problem for you now, they will find you in college and at the workplace. You need to know how to deal with them.
  • May 28, 2012, 04:14 PM
    She has a plan
  • May 28, 2012, 04:23 PM
    In your situation, I think it might work.

    You could always go into sports outside of school and see your friends on weekends.

    My neighbor home schools. She started for the same reasons as your mom. Her kids were being bullied at school, and their grades were reflecting that. They've both been homeschooled for the last 3 years, and they're doing great.

    Now, their schooling isn't online. Their mom teaches them, they have a curriculum, and, as part of the home schooling system where I live, they meet up with other kids that are home schooled, go on field trips, and do pretty much everything that they would do in a regular school, other than actually going to school.

    They usually finish their work early, and have a longer summer break because of it. They're both a grade ahead of where they should be, but they were failing before they were home schooled.

    In fact, if I didn't have to work, I would really consider home schooling my son. He's in the same boat you're in.
  • Jun 2, 2012, 06:42 AM
    Ok I talkedwith my mom and I think that I am going to do it! Thanks for all the help!
  • Jun 2, 2012, 04:19 PM

    Originally Posted by eurogirl615 View Post
    Ok i talkedwith my mom and i think that i am going to do it! Thanks for all the help!

    Let me know how it goes. I'm seriously considering doing the same for my son next year. The other day he found a note in his locker, it said "we're going to beat you up after school". Now he's afraid to go. When I mentioned home schooling, his face lit up. I'm looking into it now.

    I hope it works out for you. Keep working hard, and show those bullies what you're made of. One day you'll be their boss. :)
  • Jun 3, 2012, 05:14 PM
    Thanks! I hope that your son is all right and nothing happens to him. I haven't gotten threats, but I have been called names and even things that I would not really not want to bring up. Ill try to remember to message you on how it went or is going so you can let your son know how it helps! Thanks again!
  • Jun 4, 2012, 03:10 PM

    Originally Posted by eurogirl615 View Post
    Thanks! I hope that your son is alright and nothing happens to him. I havent gotten threats, but i have been called names and even things that i would not really not want to bring up. Ill try to remember to mesage you on how it went or is going so you can let your son know how it helps! Thanks again!

    Please do keep me posted, let me know how it goes.

    So far the bullies haven't made good on their threats, but I, as a mother, feel helpless. I've contacted the school, I've reported what's happened, and there's either nothing they can do, or nothing they're willing to do.

    I've told my son that if someone tries anything, he should fight back, and hopefully win. Sadly, that's the only advice I have for him right now since everything else I've tried has failed. But it hurts, as a mother, to see your child bullied. He's a good kid. Why do other kids have to be so very mean? :(

    I hope that you excel at home schooling. Do your best and show those bullies what you're capable of. The best revenge is graduating with top marks, getting into college, and one day being their boss. It will happen, trust me. Just work hard, and keep your chin up. :)
  • Jun 11, 2012, 10:36 AM

    Originally Posted by eurogirl615 View Post
    My mother was talking to her friend who's son is in home schooling. She said that it helpped bring up his grades from failing to a pluses. The thing is, he doesn't really have friends now since he diesnt really do any sports and he can't see his friends anymore. My mom said that I should do home schooling next year, first year of high school, just to see how I would like it. I do sports and I am involved with school, so I can still see my friends, but I was wondering, if anyone out there is reading this and does what I said I might be doing, please comment and tell me how it is. Thanks!

    Why do people get so upset and down just because you won't have people to talk with and be home all day... which isn't true. Homeschooling is good unless one of your parents are qualified enough to assist you with your work. One of homeschoolings beauty is that you can complete assignments whenever you want but just don't take it until the end date. You can complete assignments wayy ahead of the due date and move on to the next level and you can do a lot of research on the internet and setup a tutor and stuff. But seriously, being lonely or not being able to make friends is just stupid. Don't worry about that.
  • Jun 26, 2012, 08:32 PM
    Is there someone to help out if there's something you don't understand? Does the homeschool have activities that allow all of the homeschoolers some time to socialize together?
  • Jun 26, 2012, 08:43 PM
    Are you being homeschooled in a cabin in the woods in MN or are you in downtown New York, there is differernt help in other areas.

    Here in Altanta there are home school groups that meet for their kids ( esp in younger ages) to have activities, There are groups that have group classes in other languages, My son has done French and Chinese and some Spanish in the last 6 years.

    He also went for group science classes that do lab projects. And he goes on group field trips to many events.

    If you are doing a online program, there are often tutors to help you. Or your parents may hire you private local tutors or hopefully a parent is there to help you.

    There are sports, soccar, basketball, baseball and others, dance programs, martial arts, and arts and crafts.

    You are only limited as to what your parents are willing to do and what your local area has.
  • Jun 27, 2012, 08:54 AM
    Some homeschooling systems DO have activities and field trips programs to participate. But I am not sure ALL do. But either way, you still get to have fun and hang out with friends. One of my homeschool systems had field trips and there we could go to the parks scheduled on weekeneds for about 2 hours I believe with our teachers.
  • Jul 9, 2012, 05:44 PM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    In your situation, I think it might work.

    You could always go into sports outside of school and see your friends on weekends.

    My neighbor home schools. She started for the same reasons as your mom. Her kids were being bullied at school, and their grades were reflecting that. They've both been homeschooled for the last 3 years, and they're doing great.

    Now, their schooling isn't online. Their mom teaches them, they have a curriculum, and, as part of the home schooling system where I live, they meet up with other kids that are home schooled, go on field trips, and do pretty much everything that they would do in a regular school, other than actually going to school.

    They usually finish their work early, and have a longer summer break because of it. They're both a grade ahead of where they should be, but they were failing before they were home schooled.

    In fact, if I didn't have to work, I would really consider home schooling my son. He's in the same boat you're in.

    There are ways to home school even while you have a full-time job. In our community there are day cares that will watch children 24/7 and when you are home from work you can pick up your child and teach them. There are also schools that offer lessons say twice a week and the parent is responsible for getting the child or children to do studies when not in school. In our state you can hire a tutor to supervise the work. It takes thinking outside of the box, but if your children are getting bullied and their grades are suffering then by all means I'd look at what options are. I've been home schooling since Pre-K and have been very glad that my son doesn't have to deal with other kids that will bully. He is in karate at our dojo so he sees and interacts with other children of all ages every day. We meet other home schoolers and go on field trips and are able to study things of interest to him in addition to the required classes. He is two grades ahead of where he should be for his age, but he does know what he needs to for the grades he has done. Home schooling works great if you can do it but most important is staying connected to your child's education whatever it may be.
  • Jul 9, 2012, 05:57 PM

    Originally Posted by LadyToni View Post
    There are ways to home school even while you have a full-time job. In our community there are day cares that will watch children 24/7 and when you are home from work you can pick up your child and teach them. There are also schools that offer lessons say twice a week and the parent is responsible for getting the child or children to do studies when not in school. In our state you can hire a tutor to supervise the work. It takes thinking outside of the box, but if your children are getting bullied and their grades are suffering then by all means I'd look at what options are. I've been home schooling since Pre-K and have been very glad that my son doesn't have to deal with other kids that will bully. He is in karate at our dojo so he sees and interacts with other children of all ages every day. We meet other home schoolers and go on field trips and are able to study things of interest to him in addition to the required classes. He is two grades ahead of where he should be for his age, but he does know what he needs to for the grades he has done. Home schooling works great if you can do it but most important is staying connected to your child's education whatever it may be.

    Thank you for the advice Lady Toni. The program I'm looking into is strictly home schooling, and most of it's done online with a teachers help. Of course that doesn't meant that I could just sit back and let it happen, he will still need my help, and I will be very involved.

    I'm not too worried about being at work while he's home. He's very good about following the rules I set down. If I say no TV, he doesn't watch TV without my permission. If I say no Xbox, he will wait to get permission. So I know he'll be working on his school work while I'm not home. Also, he'll be 14 in September, so he really doesn't need a babysitter while I'm gone. :)

    I'm still looking into it, and the more I do, the more I think this is a great idea for my son. We've agreed to try it for one year. If his grades pick up, then he can continue homeschooling for grade 9 as well, but we would like him to go back to a regular school environment for high school. I just want him to have that high school experience and I don't think he'll get that with homeschooling.

    I have also decided that we have to get him into some extracurricular activities. He's shown an interest in Karate, but he's worried that he's too old to start now, that he'll be in a class with young kids because he's new to it. I'm not sure how that works, but we're going to contact a few of the karate schools in our area. :)

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