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  • Dec 14, 2011, 06:26 PM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Lump on my knee
    I have a huge lump on my knee! When I am standing up, walking around or even running it doesn't bother me and I completely forget about it but when I sit down (wearing long jeans) I can't bend my knee because my jeans press up against it and it causes me to be in pain. (I work with kids) and when I need to "get on their level" I get down on my knees, but now I can't do that for more than a minute (if that) because it hurts, it hurts to put ANY kind of pressure on my knee or to keep it bent for more than a few minutes. If I touch it and push down just the tiniest bit it hurts really bad. I have heard that maybe it could be a ruptured tendon, but I still have no clue. And if that's what it is (a ruptured tendon) then how do I get it fixed? Surgery? I am planning on seeing a doctor soon but the wait time is so long I thought I would get some thoughts and or ideas on here while I wait.

    Attached is a recent picture of my knee (the left one) you can see the HUGE lump that sticks out of my knee.
    Thank you.
  • Jul 18, 2012, 08:23 PM
    I am having the same problem, my knee looks identical to your's and it's my left knee to beat it all. I was just curious if you have went to the doctor yet, if so, what did they say? I have a doc. Appt scheduled, but I also have to wait quite a while.
  • Aug 30, 2012, 07:58 PM
    Hi I have the same problem.about 4 month. Doctor give me a pills for artrite. But it doesn't help. Did you sorted out your problem? Thanks
  • Sep 3, 2012, 05:09 AM
    Mine looks exactly the same. Did anyone get a diagnosis yet?
  • Dec 18, 2012, 05:27 AM
    Hey! I also have the same thing on the same knee with the same symptoms... any answers yet? Mine popped developed 2 months after falling down some stairs, my left knee took most of the blow :(

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