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  • May 25, 2011, 08:55 AM
    Spell to take someone of your mind
    I need a spell to forget about my cheating, lying man he's on my mind all the time and if I can get him off my mind then I can say no to him and go on with my life, cause he has taken my kinds foe a weakens, he thinks I'm gullible to believe his lies. I love him but I no he's not the man for me and I'm just tired and feed up. I
  • May 25, 2011, 09:34 AM

    There is no such thing. Anyone trying to sell you one is scamming you.

    The way you forget someone is to put yourself to work. Accomplish something for YOU--take a cooking class, or a dance class, or a painting class. Take a vacation to someplace you want to see.

    Better yet--take care of someone less fortunate than yourself. Volunteer to read to children, help in a hospital, serve food to the homeless.

    If you are putting someone or something else first in your mind, then you can't be thinking about him.
  • May 25, 2011, 09:47 AM
    If no one can supply a spell for you, I can tell you how I did it.

    One of the biggest drawbacks to having a relationship is, if it ends, they are always on your mind (good or bad). This happens, typically, by being obsessive (see OCD).

    First thing you do: Realize that it is not a big issue to be thinking about this person (assuming this happened recently). It is perfectly normal.

    Second (and this was referenced by Synnen): Occupy yourself. Get out and talk to people, anything to keep your mind focused.

    Third, realize you are better off. If this person cheated once, they would do it again. And you are better off without them.

    Good luck.
  • May 25, 2011, 07:34 PM
    Bibbity-bobbity-cut all all ties with him and eventually you'll stop thinking about him.

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