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  • Aug 30, 2008, 10:53 PM
    Why could I see angels when I was 4?
    When I was 4 years old I had seen angels.The only things that I remember is being in my parents backyard in the daytime looking up on the roof.Standing with me was just about all of the neighborhood children ages 1-4 standing and looking up at the roof.I remember seeing 7 angels, full of vibrant colors and bright.They had no features such as faces arms legs or even wings.they moved around slowly with such grace.As I was looking up at them with what had to be at least 12 children, my mom walkes out the backdoor and screams.She didn't scream because angels but because there were a lot of children, some in diapers in our back yard.She asked me how they got there and I told her I didn't first it was just me.My mom took the children back home to their parents, who didn't realize they were even mom came back to our house and I was still in the back yard looking at the angels. My mom asked what we were doing back there. I told her looking at the mom couldn't see them and was more concerned about getting in trouble with the law for having all those children at our house.I remember an angel saying to me don't fear. I could never forget this incident it means so much to me.I never seen any again since that day. I still talkto some of my friends who were some of the children their and they also remember.Everytime I meet somebody and my mom is present she tells them about me and all those children in the back yard looking at for people that don't believe we can see them, I can honestly can say I have.why can't I see them anymore.why did they come to me and bring all those children to see them too.
  • Aug 31, 2008, 02:11 AM
    Oh, I think that's entirely possible that you did see angels as a child. I had a similar experience when I was about ten years old. If you would like to hear about it, please let me know.

    I think that children are often "keen" to things much more than adults are. I think that animals might see and/or sense things also that aren't normally visible or detectable by adult humans.

  • Aug 31, 2008, 08:48 AM

    Originally Posted by Clough
    Oh, I think that's entirely possible that you did see angels as a child. I had a similar experience when I was about ten years old. If you would like to hear about it, please let me know.

    I think that children are often "keen" to things much more than adults are. I think that animals might see and/or sense things also that aren't normally visible or detectable by adult humans.


    I would like to hear your story about angels Clough.:)
  • Aug 31, 2008, 11:50 AM
    I think because children have a child like faith and they are open to things.
    When we get older we are taught in a sense to only go by what we can see, hear, smell touch.

    I think if I saw an angel I would take it to mean that God had a special purpose for me to find in life.

    I sort of had visions of angels a couple times in my early 20's.
  • Sep 4, 2008, 01:04 PM
    I like that the way the angel said hello to you is the same thing that (Biblical) angels always say when they meet a human: "Do not be afraid."

    All of the answers so far are good: Children can see angels because they have not yet been taught not to see angels. It reminds me of Pablo Picasso's famous statement, "It took me years to learn how to paint like a child."

    The question now is, do you want to learn how to see angels again?
  • Sep 4, 2008, 01:40 PM
    Wow what an awesome story!

    You didn't even know how the kids got to you house? Haha I can understand why your mom freaked out by seeing all these kids staring at the roof

    Sounds like an amazing experience.

    Clough... Can you tell us your story?
  • Sep 6, 2008, 06:53 PM
    In Sorrow
    I think the answer to this can be when we are children we are " innocent " so we are able to see Gods creatures who are Pure as we are pure as children. When we become adults we are not so innocent anymore, so our eyes do not see. I have heard many people tell me the same thing, that when they were younger they used to see things, now they can't.
    I never saw anything not even as a child, I guess I am the unfortunate one.
  • Sep 6, 2008, 07:31 PM

    Originally Posted by Alder
    I like that the way the angel said hello to you is the same thing that (Biblical) angels always say when they meet a human: "Do not be afraid."

    All of the answers so far are good: Children can see angels because they have not yet been taught not to see angels. It reminds me of Pablo Picasso's famous statement, "It took me years to learn how to paint like a child."

    The question now is, do you want to learn how to see angels again?

    The answer is YES I really want to see angels again.When I was a child I didn't know much about anything.Now I have so many questions for them, and besides I want that experience/feeling again.
  • Sep 7, 2008, 12:35 AM
    Okay, here is my story...

    I'm going to preface it with another story, though.

    The day that I went to the grade school where I was to register for the fourth grade was the day that the mother of my mom died - my grandmother. She was a tremendous woman and someone with whom I was quite close.

    I'm pretty sure that I was nine years old at the time.

    Sometime later on during that school year, I complained to my mom that my room was way too bright at night. So, my mom hung heavy curtains on the windows in order to keep out the brightness. It didn't work, my room was still too bright. I have little doubt that it was my grandmother's presence in the room watching over me.

    Now, sometime even later, I think when I was ten years old, and I think that it was during that same school year, I awoke in the middle of the night. I looked around my room. There was a being of light, I would like to say an angel, or perhaps it was my grandmother(?), kneeling on both knees in a corner of my room and praying. It was very bright white light, but the outline was very clear that it was some sort of being that had a human shape. I'm leaning more to it being an angel, though, because if it had been my grandmother, I think that I would have known and felt that it was her.

    The next year, when I was in the fifth grade, my mom's sister died. I remember my mother saying when she had gone to visit her sister in the hospital before her sister died, that both of them could clearly feel the presence of their mother in the hospital room.

    That's really all that I remember...
  • Sep 8, 2008, 08:50 PM

    Originally Posted by CHRISTOPHEROBIN
    The answer is YES i really want to see angels again.When i was a child i didnt know much about anything.Now i have so many questions for them, and besides i want that experience/feeling again.

    Well, it's an adventure. If you set out to find them, you may well succeed, but the places you have to go and the things you have to do may be more than you bargained for. You may have questions for them, but you need to be ready to answer the questions they ask you, and accept the uncomfortable answers. As the Bible stories tell, angels don't mollycoddle people. They don't sugar coat it. They challenge you to be true to your deepest self. And keep in mind, "angel" is a job description, like "lawyer." What holds the job of being an angel is a spirit, a very powerful, wise, and good spirit. But there are many spirits in the universe. Some are worthy of the title of angel, some are not. Calling a spirit an angel is like calling a person a hero. It's a high honor, but also a big responsibility. Even spirits that probably do qualify as angels don't always like to wear the title.

    If you want to learn to see them, start with just that: Wanting it, and admitting you want it.

    The first step, like the first step of most things, is naming and claiming it for yourself. Declare to yourself, "I am learning to see the angels."

    Another piece of the puzzle is doing good in the world. Selflessly doing good. Ever hear the story of the Fourth Wise Man? He spent his whole life thinking he was missing the opportunity to contact the divine, when in fact he was contacting the divine every day. The angels may prefer that you learn to see them first in those in need around you. So this also means learning about what is bad. Looking hard and deep within yourself at the parts of yourself you prefer to hide, admitting those things are there, and accepting it about yourself. Admitting our woundedness can be a long, hard road. But the road leads where you want to go.

    And then there is learning just to pay attention, to notice the little details of things all around you, colors and smells and sounds and things like that. Not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow but experiencing the present. Getting out into nature is good, if you focus your attention on the way grass moves in the wind, or the shape of a bug, or the smell of an apple orchard. It's like that quote from Picasso: Re-learn how to experience the world as children do, but also with the wisdom of age. A good one is to lie under a tree in summer and look at the blue sky between the leaves. Look not at the leaves, but at the little jagged pieces of sky in between. Watch sunrises and sunsets. Retrain your senses to experience the miraculous. It's all miraculous, if you look at it the right way.

    Accept that things don't have to make sense. Trust feelings, believe whatever you want, even if people tell you your beliefs are self-contradictory. Logic isn't important to beliefs. What is important is believing because you choose to, not because it is what you think anyone else wants.

    Forget about heaven. Heaven has nothing to do with it. It is about experiencing the divine right here, right now. Do not be concerned with where you will go when you die.

    Don't tell yourself you are only imagining things if you feel like the angels are close. Of course you are imagining things! Faith and love are products of our imagination. If we didn't have imagination, we wouldn't be able to do those things. Children are very good at make believe. Think about those words "make believe." You can make it be by believing in it. So pretend you do see angels. Talk with them just as if they were real, even though you are only pretending. Don't be afraid to play, or to have fun with it. And it may happen that sometime one of the "imaginary" angels will do something, and you will think, I never would have thought it would do that; I didn't even want it to do that. But, if it was only your imagination, how could it have done something different than what you expected or wanted?

    It's about setting out on a journey, on an adventure. And it will be worthwhile. Once you see the angels, you may well realize that they are not even what you are looking for any more. You may get to the point where that particular goal is only one piece of something much larger. It often works that way. Someone wants to learn to levitate, or to turn into an animal, or something. Maybe they ultimately achieve that, or maybe they don't. But either way, along the way they learn all kinds of amazing things, and have many exciting adventures, and have many opportunities to make the world a better place, so that at the end, like the Fourth Wise Man, they realize their journey was a success from day one. Sometimes the treasure you find is not the one you started looking for.

    Well, those are a few suggestions anyway. Trust yourself more than listening to me or anybody else. If you feel like you should go a certain way or do a certain thing, because it will lead you to the angels, then trust that hunch. Is that little inner voice of intuition maybe a guardian angel guiding you? You can only find out by following it.

    Blessings, and many happy travels,

  • Nov 23, 2011, 02:56 AM
    My two sons (5,5 & 7 yrs old) are talking about angels whispering to our ears at night,that's how I got here.
    When they started discussing that I didn't pay attention but it's been a year already that they say that
    " people with wings are coming through the shut windows at night and leave when it dawns"

    Beats me honestly.I though it was child imagination,now I am not that sure
  • Jan 28, 2012, 03:38 AM
    Hi the names haley and.. Today I saw a angel I think.. I was very scared at that moment and all the others were alseep to! When I got up she was gone.. So I went to the spot where I saw her but when I did see her she didn't move but once I got to the spot it was very cold there... I asked my dad if he saw angels and he said you he seen them lots of times when he was a kid! I also asked my mom and looks like to me that she don't be leave in it.. but I saw what I saw and after doing that like walking to the spot I mostly get called a scary t cat! But after I did it I felt a bit braver then usual so you but I'm still a bit scared from it... well I know the awnser to one.. be leave in god!
  • Jan 28, 2012, 03:39 AM
    And oh you i just did my first comment on a site wooooooooo!! 1 :d
  • Jan 28, 2012, 04:07 AM
    Ok sorry for that I just was so weird and stuff but if you keep on seeing them try getting a friend ship starting I know I will if I ever see her again.. My dad says and some other awnser's to say that kids can see stuff adults don't well some of them and be cause kids minds are open we see what we see and as kids we don't know to be leave or not to.. Plus I think it's because were still new to the world! And I'm not the only one in the household that seen her! My youngest kitten Bingo saw her flying around outside the apartment! I didn't see her but my cat did so what I'm saying is try be leaving! I am 11 to and you..
  • Apr 8, 2012, 05:31 PM
    You have a divine purpose. God will continue to be a strong presence in your life. In addition, God will lead many children, in other words people to an appointed purpose. Many children have visions, because their minds are very open to the supernatural. Adults oftentimes have very inflexible or closed minds. Many blessings to you.
  • Apr 8, 2012, 05:40 PM

    Originally Posted by cuterockhoppers View Post
    hi the names haley and.. Today i saw a angel i think.. i was very scared at that moment and all the others were alseep to!! when i got up she was gone.. So i went to the spot where i saw her but when i did see her she didn't move but once i got to the spot it was very cold there... i asked my dad if he saw angels and he said ya he seen them lots of times when he was a kid!! I also asked my mom and looks like to me that she don't be leave in it.. but i saw what i saw and after doing that like walking to the spot i mostly get called a scary t cat! but after i did it i felt a bit braver then usual so ya but i'm still a bit scared from it...well i know the awnser to one.. be leave in god!

    God is definitely with you. The spirit you saw and felt was negative. Whenever there is fear, there is negative energy. Please continue to be positive and let go of negative emotions such as fear, hatred, or envy. Any negative thought or emotion can provide nourishment for negative forces. Definitely consider joining a God fearing church. If you don't choose to attend church, please pray and meditate daily to God in order to surround yourself with his unfailing love. There is no fear in love. Many blessings to you.
  • Mar 7, 2013, 07:07 AM
    I also saw the angelic realm growing up... my mother took me to a "fortune teller" looking for answers... the lady chanted some evil? Feeling words over me while rubbing oil on my hands and I never saw them again... >email address removed<Thanks
  • Mar 7, 2013, 03:05 PM

    Originally Posted by DGJCollective View Post
    I also saw the angelic realm growing up... my mother took me to a "fortune teller" looking for answers.... the lady chanted some evil? feeling words over me while rubbing oil on my hands and I never saw them again.... >email address removed< Thanks

    No, but we can correspond on this forum. Why do you believe you saw an angelic realm?
  • Mar 9, 2013, 09:52 AM
    I literally saw beings; bright bright individual entities with different faces... not every person had "gaurdian angels" but most did; I later heard different angels are for different things? I would see my mother's guardian angel when she would be cooking dinner very frequently and tell my mom, "They're back in here" and she would be happy and hum and cook... when I was around 4 I would draw tons, maybe 50-100 on either side, of a 200 some-odd person, two-sided war of stick people... one side with halo's, the other with horns and pointed tails. In the middle I would draw two bigger entities centering the "war" of a bigger version of both the two and the earth somewhere drawn under them... I would see these amazingly, aweing, beings ver yfrequently and my mom asked all kinds of preachers, etc about what it might be and why... for some reason, my mom was hanging out with a dumb lady that influenced us to both go with her to a fortune teller in Birmingham. (I was only 5 or so and grew up an hr outside of the city [Birmingham] in Jasper) So we got to the fortune teller; She was african American and spoke as she had migrated from Africa... She was very eerie to me from the beginning and immediately displayed un human psychological skill by callng out the name of a little girl I had a crush on at the time and smiling at me; NO ONE knew I had a crush on this girl... While my mother was having her "reading" (She only let the person being read in the room at the time) The lady told me I could go upstairs and play with her daughter, whom she said was around my age... Hence I went up her stair and looked left and right, only to see open doors into bedrooms and a bathroom straight ahead with a creepy coldness and all the lights off; no little girl... I walked back downstairs confused and startled and walked into my moms reading and said "There is no girl up there ma'am?" And she said, "Oh? Just Go Check again you must not have seen her!" So for some reason I walked back upstairs, passing my mom's two friends who were lost in their own world... I got to the top of the steps and obviously, blaring from the right room, a 5-6 yr old girl sat indian style playing Game Boy (Which was my favorite thing at the time), sitting in front of a TV watching TV, playing Game Boy... She looked at me and I don't even know if she talked to me because I basically jumped downstairs... My heart was racing and I was FREAKED and none of the women understood what the hell I was talking about and STILL don't to this day... So my mom gets done with her session and the woman calls me in the living room from the kitchen where I had been waiting with the other two women... I go in there, and she sits me on the couch and starts messing around with oils and stuff on a table behind her and talking kindly to me... and she asked then some general questions then quickly jumped to "What do you see, in detail?"... "Do these beings have faces"?? When I said no she seemed interested, or astonished and asked me to draw what I saw, she handed me a piece of paper and a pen and I drew a stick figure with the angels drawn as stick figures around the person and I told them that some had no faces but some were beautiful people... She then started messing with the stuff on the table again and shaking her head and talking in a language I could not understand and said "Ohhh yes I know what is going on... You're fine, you're normal" etc and she said "Hold out your hands sweetie" or something to the effect, very sweetly... I extended my hands and she began to rub an oil on my hands that I can still recall the smell of to this day and chanting in a Frickin language I couldn't understand... FROM THAT DAY I never saw another dimension and feel like an evil entity has been following me through different "vehicles" everywhere I have moved the past 5-10 years... Like it "keeps a check on me" and I feel it is to keep me from finding out what I am suppose to know, my stolen gift... I know all this sounds crazy as hell and I hope someone has had a similar issue, is a fortune teller that can tell me what she did, someone can tell me what I saw and why? I grew up in church but HATED going, I wouldn't have really believed in Angels probably EVER had I not BEEN IN THEIR realm for years... not all are sweet and good, trust me... some even seem like demons and gave me nightmares... speaking of, I have always been able to distinguish balls of darkness, orbs some call them, or spirits in my room sometimes, late at night, I have woken up (A few times first in sleep paralysis) to a DARK fog in the corner of my bedroom that pushed the most evil I have ever felt towards me, Like it wanted to "get" me... I started praying to my creator and commanded the evil to leave in the name of the all might Living God that created Good and Evil... I knew to say these things I suppose from movies? But IT WORKS by the way... I probably said it 20 times and got stern and offensive with the spirit... I didn't "see it leave" out a window or anything, just remember waking up in a paranoia, seeing the spirit, feeling it's presence, feeling locked to my bed, commanding it to leave, then falling straight back asleep like nothing happened; the next day it always has felt like a dream... this has only happened while I was sleeping alone in a room, never when sleeping with another person in the room... any answers or comments to try and help are greatly appreciated as the fortune teller told me I would come looking for her in my mid 20's... I'm 24... Much Love & Many Blessings...
  • Mar 9, 2013, 09:54 AM
    Well, please only take them and tell VERY VERY TRUSTED SPIRITUAL people; I wouldn't even necessarily present them to "Religous" people in high power as they may want the kids in their congregation Pretttttty bad, and we all know how organized religion can be SO0o0o0 fun and fair... but get them to draw what they see, and please share it... you can reach me at <email address removed> and we can talk more if you like... I'd love to talk more ab it...


    Originally Posted by nadiac View Post
    My two sons (5,5 & 7 yrs old) are talking about angels whispering to our ears at night,that's how i got here.
    When they started discussing that i didn't pay attention but it's been a year already that they say that
    " people with wings are coming through the shut windows at night and leave when it dawns"

    Beats me honestly.I though it was child imagination,now i am not that sure

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