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  • Jul 15, 2008, 08:01 AM
    What are the causes for yellow to form around the pupil of the eye?
    My eyes are natually blue, but a few years ago the iris around the pupil turned yellow and the rest of the iris turned blue. I would like to know what might cause that.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 08:05 AM
    MY eyes did the opposite they had a golden yellow speckles and now they are mostly green/blue. I have known a couple of people whose eyes seemed to change colors with their moods and environment

    Here are some links
    Genes Can Change Eye Color

    Re: What causes eyes to change colour?
  • Jul 15, 2008, 06:38 PM
    Good link, I would agree.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 06:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Lorifiya
    My eyes are natually blue, but a few years ago the iris around the pupil turned yellow and the rest of the iris turned blue. I would like to know what might cause that.

    Sorry I meant the rest turned green.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 06:43 PM
    Your eyes change color, that is normal. If you noticing that your vision is compromised because of this or your vision is changing, please visit and Optometrist or Ophthalmologist.
  • Jan 9, 2011, 10:26 PM
    My eyes are green/blue with a yellow/gold ring around the pupil, but when I get out of the shower the blue fades and I just have green/gold eyes, why does that happen?
  • Jul 6, 2011, 05:50 PM
    I've been trying to do research on this because, as I girl, I use eye liner frequently, so I pay much attention to my eyes. As of yesterday the top portion of my iris, the right more noticeable than the left turned a real bright yellow. The rest stayed green. I was with my boy friend, and pointed it out to him. This isn't just an "Its the lighting" thing. Its too drastic and when I got home later that evening it was gone. It did the same today when I was with him but not as bright. Now, yet again, it is gone.
    I want to know a scientific reason for this before I go off assuming its because he makes me happy. They've never turned yellow. And I just started seeing the boy the day this first occurred. Though they have seemed blue, That I can see being blamed on lighting.
  • Sep 7, 2011, 06:09 AM
    Why does it have peoples questions but not any answers??
  • Sep 13, 2011, 05:19 PM
    Because we are not doctors and cannot give definite answers without medical education and seeing the person and diagnosing them. If you want a definite answer to what is happening visit your eye doctor.
  • Sep 16, 2011, 05:10 AM
    I have the same questions. I've been trying to do research. I have a gold ring in my blue eyes too... and my sister who is 23 is experiencing a change in eye color. Her eyes have always been a solid blue, but this summer, she started developing a gold ring, which has gotten more and more noticeable over the course of a month.
    I have met only 5 people in my whole life who have this gold ring, and 3 of them are my own family members. There has to be an iridologist somewhere with answers.
  • Sep 16, 2011, 05:15 AM
    "Changes of state are relayed from the thalamus and hypothalamus through the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal ganglion to the motoneurons of the iris muscle structure. Changes in the impulses conducted by these motor neurons may be responsible for the changes in the muscle structure of the iris, leading to the gradual separation of iris fibres in the stroma and consequent appearance of the lesions and other markings familiar to iridologists." - (

    IE... Your brain chemistry is changing... and your eyes are showing that.
  • Nov 5, 2011, 01:27 PM
    Whenever I look at pictures when I was younger, its seems I too had quite blue eyes. But since I can remember, I've always had yellow around the pupil and blue on the outside. Sometimes when I wear different color clothes, such as blues, my eyes have more of a pure blue look, or if I wear a certain other color, they turn more yellow ad blue, even a light green sometimes! I too wonder what this means, and have been searching. If I find anything ill inform you! (btw I'm only 15)
  • Nov 16, 2011, 04:35 AM
    I have blue-grey eyes with a very visible gold ring round both pupils, too, and had it from at least my teens. My children - DS, now 11, has steel grey eyes with a gold ring round his pupil, and my twin DD's (not identical) age 8, have the same grey eyes and are growing gold rings too. No-one else in the family on either side has these, but my dad had eyes so black you couldn't tell the difference between the pupil and the iris and my mother very pale blue eyes (and a severe case of photophobia on the back of it!) with very dark and very pale eyes directly on both their sides, too. So take your pick!

    When I was a child I had blue eyes and auburn hair (my dad's mum was a redhead as was his brother and sister, he was as Mediterranean coloured as his dad). As I had children, the melanin in my skin increased during PG as it's meant to do (you get one hell of a suntan when up the duff!) and I went from milkbottle white skin to golden brown permanently over both PG's, (don't forget that the 2nd one was a double dose of hormones) and my hair from auburn to brown. My eyes are darker in the iris but the golden ring never changed.

    I prefer being the way I am now (can tan, henna my hair back to red, not so photophobic) so there you go. I can't tell the girls (who have an afro-haired half West Indian father) that their exceptionally curly hair will straighten when they have children - mine used to be very curly and now it's almost straight! - or I'll be facing teen pregnancies, as their hair is like sheepskin and a nightmare to care for even now.

    Pregnancy does all sorts of things to you, and not always the most obvious!

    The yellow pigment is actually amber or light brown pigment, indicating the presence of melanin in the eye. My hair colour change is the result of some genes being turned on or off during pregnancy and can happen in puberty too - those pesky hormones! My kid's grey eyes means there's hardly any melanin in their iris except round the pupil, too. The iris colour is almost that of when they were born. They all tan very well, being quarter dark, and their hair colour is slowly turning darker brown.

    FWIW, most temporary variations in eye colour depend on what lighting is available, and that includes reflected light from your clothing. Play around with yours to find what turns on the visual effects - coloured eyeliner & eyeshadow can make such a difference, as can a coloured top or jacket or scarf. I can make mine look blue (usually in summer) or grey, or even hazelish.

  • Feb 8, 2012, 05:16 PM
    This is what I think:

    Most people are born with blue eyes. There is a developmental stage when most people's eyes will turn brown. If you are destined to be green-eyed, then they will turn green instead of brown. If you are destined to be blue-eyed, then the eye color will never reach the developmental stage where it changes. My brother has green eyes, and I have blue eyes with a yellow ring around the pupil. I think that the yellow ring indicates the possibility of turning green, but only if you have the genes to reach the developmental stage where the eye color actually changes. Otherwise, they will stay blue.

    I don't have any proof of that, it's just what I think based on what a lot of people are saying.
  • May 20, 2012, 12:31 PM
    I have it too! But no one else that I know have it, including family...
  • May 20, 2012, 12:31 PM
    But I've had it since birth...
  • Aug 19, 2012, 02:29 PM
    Since I was a baby until about 10 years old my eyes were a bright blue color. When I tunred 11 a bright gold ring formed right outside the outline of my pupil. My Aunt Stephanie is the only other one in my family that has this but she only has little yellow splotches not the ring. Depending on the color of cloths annd makeup I wear my eye color will change from bright blue to dark blue. Dark blue to green and green to a very light brown. Somedays the yellow ring becomes so big my eyes look gold. Not even blue or green. I've been looking at pictures online and looking at different causes also but none of the description or pictures look or sound anything like my eyes.. I've been searching and asking family membbers where I got my eyes from and everybody says they have never seen anybody in the family that have eyes that resemble mine in any way, I wish I could give you the awnser of why your eyes are like this but I've been looking for the awnser for 2 years and I can't findit.. and I'm 15
  • Oct 2, 2012, 06:53 PM
    This is one of the answers I found. Eyes also change color due to mood, colors, and environment. I have crystal blue eyes with a yellowish green ring around the pupil. My eyes can become a hazel, green, slate gray, or darker color depending on what color I am wearing and how I feel.
    Heterochromia iridum is 2 or more different coloring in the irises. It could be just an eye with multiple colors in it, or two different color eyes.
    Also, a note: eye color does change over time.
  • Mar 31, 2013, 07:01 PM
    Its cat like I believe... god has a plan and I have phyic dreams but I lusive dream at the same time... I also have pemanetions
  • Jun 7, 2013, 04:38 PM
    I just read this on Yahoo today. I think maybe the people that have esp and different spiritual gifts have the ring in their eyes.

    In 20,000 years: Humans have a larger head with a forehead that is subtly too large. A future "communications lens" is represented by the yellow ring around their eyes. These lenses will be the 'Google Glass' of the future. Image credit: Nickolay Lamm

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