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  • May 7, 2008, 05:58 PM
    Cruise Ship Oriana Passenger List 1964

    I am new to this site and I am not sure if this question can be answered or even if I am posting it in the correct category, but here goes...

    My parents and I emigrated from Sydney, Australia in June 1964 on the (original) cruise ship Oriana bound for the United States.

    My mother passed away over 24 years ago and my father, now 85, can locate any documentation about the trip.

    We are wondering if there are any passenger lists somewhere which show that my father, Bela Dobrovics, was indeed a passenger on that ship on that journey between Australia and the United States.

    Can someone provide insight? This may be too tough to answer.

    Thanks in advance,

  • May 7, 2008, 06:40 PM
    For a June 1964 trip that would have her coming right out of dry dock because she was painted white in April/May of 1964, but it could still be possible.

    This web site shows the ship and the history of the ship, although this person asks for no requests for boarding history, they may have it and always worth a request.

    Also if he came into the US though customs and immigration they would have a complete history of where he entered, when, and using what papers.
    Orient Line SS Oronsay

    This is a fairly old site, but here were some formal passenters in 1964
    *prior to April but who knows they may know info on it
    Oriana (old) to Scrappers? [Archive] - Cruise Forums - Cruise Message Boards - Cruise Critic
  • May 7, 2008, 11:00 PM

    Thanks so much for your reply! Your ideas are interesting and I think there are some real possibilities open for the resolution of my question. I will indeed explore your suggestions!

    Again, many thanks!

  • Mar 20, 2011, 04:59 PM
    My passengers cruised on the Oriana back in 1964. They went to Hawaii and perhaps the ship went on to L.A. before returning to Honolulu where they reboarded and came back to Australia. I can remember going down to Port Melbourne and waving them off on their cruise. It would have been around June, 1964 as we were married in the April and I know my sister came to stay with us whilst my parents were gone and we hadn't been married long.

  • Aug 29, 2012, 06:14 AM
    phill pyke
    Where do I find the passenger list for people on the Oriana in 2008 during a conference cruise organised by penna?

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