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  • Jun 20, 2007, 09:04 AM
    Peaceful Political Protest
    What do I need to do to stage a peaceful political protest at my state capitol?
  • Jun 20, 2007, 10:00 AM
    Depends on what the nature of the protest is, where it would be taking place, how many people are expected to attend, what time of year it will take place, etc. You will need various permits allowing a large public assembly, possibly police assistane in shutting down streets, various waivers of government ordinances, etc. If you plan on doing the protest around election time, you may need certain electioneering permits. It's not a simple process, and there are "professional protestors" out there who have trouble with the system.

    I would suggest that you contact someone in your locale who has experience in setting up public demonstrations or public parades, or even large public parties. They usually know how to grease the appropriate wheels of government, and can probably give you some good advice on who to call and how to get the ball rolling.

    Also, speak to the police department where the demonstration will be taking place to find out what you need. Most capital city police departments deal with legal peaceful protests fairly often... there's always SOMEONE protesting SOMETHING in a State Capitol. So they should be up on what you would need in terms of government approval and paperwork.

    Another person to call would be your representative to the state government. His office may be able to give you information on what you need for peaceful assembly and protest, and that is technically what (s)he's there for anyway... to be YOUR advocate to the State government.

    Hope this helps.

  • Jun 20, 2007, 10:00 AM
    Which State ? You could probably contact groups you know that have staged rallies and ask them the steps they took . You probably don't need a permit since your protest is going to be at a State Capitol location and not a local park; but I would say you should contact the local police and coordinate with them about issue of road blocks ,and crowd control(I assume you are expecting to draw at least a decent crowd). As much as I hate to give them credit ;you probably could contact your local chapter of the ACLU . I'm sure they know how to navigate all the legalities .

    Don't do it alone .Again ;assuming a decent crowd you will need to have your own small group of organizers working with you . Find a way to advertise or get the word out in advance... And the most important thing... contact the press so you get the coverage you crave.

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