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  • Mar 19, 2024, 04:34 AM
    When did Schumer become stupid ?
    I lived in NY most of my adult life. Chuck Shumer became Senator Shumer 1999 after defeating one of my favorites ;Senator Al D'Amato ;the parochial " Senator pothole " . He got that moniker by catering to constituent's concerns ;a position many more elected leaders like Shumer should adopt.

    I can't say when Shumer became a schmuck . No one ever accused him of being stupid. He steered his career in the Senate well and is now the Majority Leader .He is partisan to a fault and well respected in the Jewish community.

    Which made his recent address against Israel puzzling .It almost made me up Chuck In a case of clear interference in the domestic politics of Israel ;an ally of the US ;he called for the ousting of Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu .
    “The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after Oct. 7...” “At this critical juncture, I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel.”

    Full speech: Sen. Schumer calls for new elections in Israel (

    That he made the address on the eve of the Ides of March is ironic.

    The Israeli's despite the false claims of them being a colonial power had returned the Gaza territory to the Palestinians . The Palestinians had a choice to peacefully create a functioning state with the massive amounts of aide they received from Israel and the world . Instead they elected an Iran proxy terrorist regime to administer Gaza. They armed with weapons instead of building a functioning state and then in a surprise attack slaughtered more than a thousand Israelis ;committing numerous atrocities in the attack .

    Shumer knows what the US would do in such a situation because he was the Senator from NY when thousands of NY'ers perished in the terror attack of 9-11. He knows Israel had no choice but the militarily respond to end the threat from Hamas
    He is briefed so he knows that the IDF takes all the precautions it can to limit civilian casualties even at the cost of it's own soldier's lives . He knows the Hamas cowards use Gazan civilians as human shields .

    But this is an election year in the US .By all accounts it will be a close what is called a "base election " That means the parties need to motivate their base to come out to vote.
    The Dems have morphed into a far left party. At the extreme they are pro-Hamas -anti-Israeli. They hate Bibi because he is considered right wing. It doesn't matter at all that those in the Israeli government that are right wing completely support the government's response to the Hamas attack.

    The problem is that Clueless Joe came out early in support of Israel . But now he is hedging his bet due to the Dem base reaction. So he has done a pivot and his support for Israel is wavering . He is basically warning Israel against it's stated aim of destroying Hamas.

    But the Dems also have a Jewish constituency that they will need for Clueless to win .
    So what better way for Clueless to mute the criticism by sending the Senate Majority leader ;who also happens to be Jewish, to bat ?

    This strategery seems self defeating to me . Yeah you hold the extreme left base (where else are they supposed to go? ) But by doing this Smuck Shumer loses the trust of his Jewish constituency ;and Clueless risks the Jewish vote.

    Polls show that the Dems are losing some of their strong Hispanic and Black support.

    One can only hope that this helps defeat Clueless Joe ,and makes Schmuck the minority leader in the Senate.

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