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  • Aug 27, 2008, 08:18 PM
    Im curious about my BCD
    OK... I was discharged with a BCD back in 2000 for drugs(Ecstacy). Now at the time of my special court martial and investigation I was never caught with any drugs nor did I pop in a piss test. All my charges were based on here or say. I also was never really discharged from unit because at the time they were in CAX and I was given orders by some other unit. I recently got my DD214 like 3 weeks ago and it reads BCD with Separation code JJE2 and RE-4B reentry code.. I did research on this and it says discharged because of overweight and now I'm totally confused. I only served 6 months in the brig if that, I can't really remember too much into detail about what happened. All I know is that was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people and that sucks. So, my question here is should I even bother upgrading? Can I apply for the Fire Dept or some sort of Gov't job if this wasn't a felony? Should I Go to my local police dept and get fingerprinted and really find out what my files say? Somebody help!!
  • Aug 27, 2008, 08:57 PM
    You will not see the file, but you can do a background check and see if or what crime is showing up. Also why do you want to get fingerprinted?? Fingerprinting proves who you are, fingerprinting is not a background check. You show them an ID, and they run your criminal history report.
  • Aug 28, 2008, 03:23 AM
    I don't know I just thought that they would do it anyway... should I not even mention that I was in the military? What if it shows up later? I mean nowadays the system is so screwed up they pretty much hire anybody.
  • Aug 28, 2008, 10:20 AM
    I don't know if you know any cops personally or anything but if you do just ask one to run a NCIC on you. It takes like 30 seconds and he can do it from his patrol car with no problem. That will pull your whole record. Although, if you have any outstanding warrants or unpaid fines then I would strongly advise against this.
  • Aug 28, 2008, 10:45 AM
    OK I'm clear on this NCIC... now what? Can I still apply for Fire Dept?. and not mention I was in the military?
  • Aug 28, 2008, 11:00 AM
    Yeah it shouldn't come up. I had some stuff happen to me in the military and I just never mentioned it. Now, I'm sitting in my office getting paid to around on the computer all day. If nobody said anything to you about you not being able to possess a firearm anymore then don't sweat it.
  • Aug 28, 2008, 04:21 PM
    Another question if I apply for fire dept do you think they will search until they find something? On the application should I not even say I was in the military? I mean what do I do should I lie? I just want to make sure I do things rite to cover my and for it to not come back and bite me later. I mean I have cop acquaintances and firemen who can probably vouch for me but then that would mean having to exppose myself... wat would you do?
  • Aug 29, 2008, 04:05 PM
    OK never mind I got your point
  • Oct 30, 2013, 09:22 PM
    I know it has been a while since your question was posted. But, I do have an answer for you.

    The Marine Corps will grant you a discharge upgrade( 2 levels maximum), after six months from your discharge date. To us FUBAR Marines that means a General Discharge under Honorable conditions.

    You can apply with the Naval Board of Discharge Review by filing the proper documentation. DD 293

    If you have 36 months of service with out any other disciplinary actions against you you may have a good chance. Or, if you can prove that you were misrepresented and or theatened in some way to take a plead bargain.

    It is always a good Idea to ask; what is the worst that they can say?

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