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  • Oct 30, 2008, 11:36 AM
    My co-worker just turned on me.
    I have been working in this office part time for two years. I have gotten along with everyone fine until recently. There is another co-worker who also works part time who I go along with fine. Recently, she wanted a pay raise so she just constantly complained about how busy she was. She got her raise and was forced to work 5 days (part-time hours) instead of her regular 4 days. She still complained how busy she was. Then one day the GM told her that he was going go give some of her work to me to help with work load. She would not show me how to do her work, and the GM (who does not have the guts to get her to show me) ended up showing me how to do some of her work. Now, she totally ignores me. This does not bother me but I work in a small office of 5 employees and I have to deal with her on her a daily basis for my work. Don't know what to do.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 11:43 AM

    Ignore her. If you don't need to interact with her, then don't. Continue to a good job and you'll be noticed for it; that's all there is to it.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 11:46 AM

    I would say ignore her as what you should do, You do your work, if you have the time to do the extra work, or if you now need more time to do the extra work ask for more hours to do the additional work load
  • Oct 31, 2008, 07:39 PM
    In an office of 500, ignoring her would be simple. In an office of 5, this isn't going to work for very long. Eventually, she will stop ignoring you and start complaing (sounds like she does this a lot) to the GM about how you are not doing your work load. It also sounds like your GM does not like confrontation and will avoid it at all cost so he isn't going to help you with your co-worker either. It sounds like you may have more guts then your GM. ADVICE: Confront your co-worker but do not atack her character. Sit down and talk to her to figure out a way to work together. "We have to work together but not like each other"
  • Nov 6, 2008, 04:48 PM

    Thanks, for you advices. Unfortunately, none of your suggestions resolved the situation. My co-worker refuses to co-operate with me as I need her help in order to do my work, my GM refuses to talk to her and then I found out after all that has happened that my GM reimbursed my co-worker for a dinner. With that I can read the message on the wall and I hate the fact that my worker got the best of me but I handed in my resignation. But, I just wanted to say "THANKS FOR YOU HELP!".
  • Nov 7, 2008, 10:41 AM
    You may have just come up with the best answer! Good Luck
  • Dec 12, 2008, 06:01 PM

    You did the right thing by quitting.
  • Sep 19, 2011, 08:27 PM
    Sorry to hear you quit, but understandable. I work with a woman that has the most horrible mood swings. She could be nice for months, then she turns into a mean cruel person. It is also a very small office, so it is unavoidable to feel affected by this. My friends advised me to just ignore her and even when she turns into Mrs. Nice, to keep the distance as I would never know when Mrs. Cruel is back. Not easy, but I am not giving up my job for such a miserable human being.

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