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  • Jun 17, 2018, 10:08 PM
    For my father
    I am from the Philippines and I am writing to gather ideas for my Father. For the past 2 years or so when he reached his senior age ( 60 yrs old ) we have asked him to stop working and since all of his 3 children have finished their study and have their own jobs, we opted to just support them so there is no need for him to work hard.

    Our main intent is for him to relax and enjoy his life, but I can see he is not happy. Sure, he and my mother are always together, spends time taking care of his 2 young grand kids, he ride his bike on good days and usually spends time in Facebook for video and news update. But I guess he is seeking to have a more meaningful life, any suggestion you can offer?

    Have a great day !
  • Jun 18, 2018, 10:55 AM
    If he is able why can he not do as he pleases? I do not understand why he goes along with this if he is not happy, other than to make YOU and your siblings AND your mother happy. You have good intentions but maybe you should discuss with your father what makes him happy. Which brings the question of WHY you think he is not happy? If you are able to support him now, maybe he can work and save for when he CANNOT work and support himself

    Seems communication may bring understanding and compromise. In the meantime I intend to discuss with my own children why they are not supporting ME! 8O I would happily accept.

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