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  • Aug 29, 2007, 11:41 AM
    Is HE Gifted?5 year old spiritually inclined
    On the last posting... just in case any one wonders...

    My 5 year old doesn't see my in laws... they live out of state. My husband is in the military. And My family although Catholic, are non practicing Catholics.

    We know there is no way he could have been told these things by either side as we have questioned everyone.

    The last story "Christimas and the Nativity" my son told us, seemed too detailed for a little (4 year old at the time). He doesn't go to church. I have taken my son like a few times. It was odd how he knew exactly what do and started praying and reciting prayer. When the time came to take the bread (cracker and wine) My son said he wanted to go and told me he wanted to take Jesus off the Cross... (It was only a statue) and I found it odd... and it made me nervous as I couldnt' explain any of what he was doing. From time to time, he has brought me the bible.. (pocket size) and asked me to read certain verses,. He was the first to initate prayer at our table before meals. He does it to everyone in the family.

    Like I said it is "different" and his extremely passive nature is another thing. He doesn't like confrontations, or aggressive behavior. A child took his lunch box at school and he said nothing to no one.

    He is deeply fascinated by anything to do with Jesus and God. He just received a digital camera for his birthday. He liked it... however, commented that he was going to Church to take a picture of God and that he wouldnt' mind having a poloroid camera as well.

    He tends to comment on things like... comparing lying and bad things to things as something the "devil" encourages and or whatever bad has happened that he hears of.. he will say something like "God doesn't like that when people do that".

    He goes to school like normal children his age, comes home and has homework, as he enjoys homework and learning. I have to keep buying age appropriate educational materials to satisfy his eagerness to learn.

    He is equally attentive at school (with a long attention span) and often acts more mature than others in his class.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 12:35 PM
    So, do you mean gifted in a spiritual sense, or educational?
  • Aug 29, 2007, 01:17 PM
    Just an advise-BUNNYPOO4
    You could put this explanation in your previous post by clicking answer under your first question/thread.
    This helps those who answered before to see your comments and answer accordingly in order to help you further.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 01:26 PM

    Originally Posted by JohnSnownw
    So, do you mean gifted in a spiritual sense, or educational?

    Well it is hard to tell with school b.c he is still yet young... he does show a great deal of maturity when around his peers... he is very attentive (while other kids have a short attention span and are playing when they are supposed to be doing something instructed, he is sitting looking at the instructor not moving one bit). He has a sense of humor and wit... and an extreme sense of memory. And being his first year in Kindergarten, his teacher has already taken an extreme likeing to him just as his pre k teacher did.

    He displays a great deal of Spiritual giftedness. And some of the questions he has... are rather complex for a kid his age. Deep questions like stuff that baffels my husband and myself... "if God is Jesus's father, who is God's father and who created God" HE doesn't question why there is evil or the devil nor does he question why Christ was crucified. Yet, he demonstrates important stories of Christ that only an adult knows.

    He isn't around relatvies much. Accept for my husband and I. He has older siblings whom are 12, and 9 whom he encouraged to start praying as well as his little sister whom is 3.

    He is a very passive and kind child. And when given the chance to pick a toy out at school, gets things for other people and not himself.

    He does make my husband and I nervous... b.c what he does and says is what something an adult would say or do... and when it comes to spirituality,. sometimes we feel like he is watching us or judging us... and knows things we don't...
  • Aug 29, 2007, 01:28 PM

    Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    Just an advise-BUNNYPOO4
    you could put this explanation in your previous post by clicking answer under your first question/thread.
    This helps those who answered before to see your comments and answer accordingly in order to help you further.

    Well, I am sooo new at this.. "thanks for the info" I might get something's confused on this.. but eventually after playing with it.. I figure it out...

    Thanks again
  • Aug 29, 2007, 01:32 PM
    Bunnypoo I don't know what you personally believe. But have you heard of indigo children? Do a Google search. It's the idea that more and more children are being born with a very tight spiritual connection typically resulting in being psychic or having "advanced" knowledge.

    I agree with another posters. Keep track of everything he says and ask him how he knows. Kids will be very honest. When I was kid I would freak out if anything was around my neck. My mom told me one day she asked me why and I started crying and told her because that's how I died the last time I was here.

    Some people may think its hokey. I personally believe in reincarnation and that its possible for those memories to carry from one life to another.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 01:38 PM
    I have heard about it... you know he was born in the ebryonic sac... and from the time he was born, I was told there was something "special" about him... but I just went with flow... and then year after year things started to happen with him... I would try to pass it off as "nothing" or something... but after the last incident... and he never stops talking about being a Priest... or the Pope
  • Aug 29, 2007, 01:42 PM
    Just ask him about it. Ask him how do you know all of this? When were you the pope or a priest? Whatever he responds just ask him and write it down. Kids remember a lot from before. Not everyone believes in it but it doesn't give it any less credibility.

    The best thing for you to do is to encourage it from him and write everything down. It will be a wonderful thing to have later on in life.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 02:14 PM
    You I think I will ask him... you know even his passive nature.. it makes me wonder... spiritual people tend to be really passive and not aggressive,. He told his teacher last year... his pre k teacher that he would also like to be "GOD" one day, but again how can a 4 year old determin spirituality so young and have recognition of GOD...

    He just told me... Jesus couldn't fight anyone when he was growing up... so God protected him

    Then he told me God created everything... I told him " who told you that" he said "ya you know God did mommy"

    He also said he wants to be a Priest b.c he wants to learn more.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 02:23 PM
    Its true. A psychic told my aunt that my uncle was a monk in his past life. I said I think he was a buddhaist monk because he is the living embodiment of zen. Its just how some of us come through.

    Regardless it sounds like you have a very special boy in your life. I personally believe that God speaks to us all of us only someone of us are really interested in listening. It looks like your boy can't get enough :)
  • Aug 29, 2007, 02:26 PM
    I hope this piques your interest enough to take him to church. Talk to your priest about this. They are VERY helpful when it comes to matters of the soul.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 02:36 PM
    I asked and asked why it is he is wanting to be a "Priest" his answer " to learn EVERYTHING" He didn't elaborate though...

    Ya I keep record...

    I believe all children are special in one way or another... some of them have extrodinary capabilities some, interesting talented,. and that is what makes them sooo adorable in every way they are and can be

    I believe in God, I believe that some people have lost faith or question it a lot today... or try to debuke Christ... no matter I still believe

    And it is evident my son does too even though I don't impose religion or spirituality on him

    Although I don't understand this,. I am "pleased" and hope he continues this path
  • Aug 29, 2007, 02:39 PM
    If you want him to continue this path it is necessary for YOU to take him to church. He won't continue it without your actions.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 02:54 PM
    I tried to get him into Catholic classes, last year, however, they didn't accept him at his young age... although there was a Nun whom said he was very "gifted" and was going to try to get him in anyway... Well, b.c the Catholic church is so "set" in their ways and wanting certain paper work (Baptizmal from God Parents etc... by the way his God parents are out of state) we are unable to obtain these,. they will not make any acceptions without proper paper work...

    He was Baptized in a hospital when he was really young (infant) ill with rotavirus... but I never received paper work... now, they are asking for paperwork of God Parents in order to enroll him in classes...

    So I am in a bind and this kid is sooo eager to learn this... "he shouldnt' be turned away"
  • Aug 29, 2007, 02:59 PM

    Originally Posted by BUNNYPOO4
    on the last posting... just in case any one wonders....

    My 5 year old doesn't see my in laws... they live out of state. My husband is in the millitary. And My family although Catholic, are non practicing Catholics.

    We know there is no way he could of been told these things by either side as we have questioned everyone.

    The last story "Christimas and the Nativity" my son told us, seemed too detailed for a little (4 year old at the time). He doesn't go to church. I have taken my son like a few times. It was odd how he knew exactly what do and started praying and reciting prayer. When the time came to take the bread (cracker and wine) My son said he wanted to go and told me he wanted to take Jesus off the Cross.... (It was only a statue) and I found it odd... and it made me nervous as I couldnt' explain any of what he was doing. From time to time, he has brought me the bible.. (pocket size) and asked me to read certain verses,... He was the first to initate prayer at our table before meals. He does it to everyone in the family.

    Like I said it is "different" and his extremely passive nature is another thing. He doesn't like confrontations, or aggressive behavior. A child took his lunch box at school and he said nothing to no one.

    He is deeply fascinated by anything to do with Jesus and God. He just recieved a digital camera for his birthday. He liked it... however, commented that he was going to Church to take a picture of God and that he wouldnt' mind having a poloroid camera as well.

    He tends to comment on things like ... comparing lieing and bad things to things as something the "devil" encourages and or whatever bad has happened that he hears of .. he will say something like "God doesn't like that when people do that".

    He goes to school like normal children his age, comes home and has homework, as he enjoys homework and learning. I have to keep buying age appropriate educational materials to satisfy his eagerness to learn.

    He is equally attentive at school (with a long attention span) and often acts more mature than others in his class.

    He maybe intelligent, as my son. My son is also very interested in GOD. He has been this way since a pet died and we explained GOD and heaven. He always has tons of questions. All perfectly normal.

    I would not read too much into it. If he has a calling, it will develop over time. I became a minister about 21/2 years ago. Family still has a difficult time with it.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 02:59 PM
    GO TO CHURCH!! Expose him to this environment.

    Have you contacted the church that baptised him originally? That would be the place to start.

    There are ways around this, you just have to find them. I am a Catholic, non-practicing, and my daughter was baptised Presbyterian, yet she was allowed to go to a Catholic school for kindergarten.

    You have to be proactive if you want this for him.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 03:18 PM

    Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy
    he maybe intelligent, as my son. my son is also very interested in GOD. he has been this way since a pet died and we explained GOD and heaven. he always has tons of questions. all perfectly normal.

    I would not read too much into it. if he has a calling, it will develop over time. I became a minister about 21/2 years ago. Family still has a difficult time with it.

    I do believe this may be a "calling" as he often brings me the bible and asks to read verses out of it. When he described the time when Christ was born,. he was demonstrating how the three wise men reacted, where they went in what order they stood (he went as far as placing them one after another in a single line ) telling us this "was" the way they walked to see baby Jesus... then he took Mother Mary and baby Jesus, told us,. "Mother Mary and Baby Jesus have to leave because there is a war with lots of bad things happening" then Joseph following not too far behind. This gave my husband and I Chills... just as when he explained when Christ was crucified...

    He had expressed interest in God since he was really young... about 3 years old... we thought he would "outgrow it" but sometimes he tells us these detailed stories... and goes into depth... another story he explains someone's head being "chopped off"... and it's graphic when he tells.. but he says this person was Jesus's friend or had something to do with Jesus

    And more recently,. he tells me,. "you know mommy God Created everything" I asked him who told him that and his response "God did"

    I asked him why he wanted to be a Priest and his response "because I want to learn more"
    I do hope he continues... with this... and I do plan on getting him into church!
  • Aug 29, 2007, 03:25 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    GO TO CHURCH!!! Expose him to this environment.

    Have you contacted the church that baptised him originally? That would be the place to start.

    There are ways around this, you just have to find them. I am a Catholic, non-practicing, and my daughter was baptised Presbyterian, yet she was allowed to go to a Catholic school for kindergarten.

    You have to be proactive if you want this for him.

    My mother in law demands he only go Catholic... At some time last school year I even considered putting him in Catholic school instead of public because he is spiritually inclined..

    I did contact the church that came by and Baptized him in the hospital.. they sent paperwork to a Catholic church nearby.. and this Church nearby, is now saying I need additional paperwork... to complete this... paperwork showing the Godparents are Catholic and it is hard to obtain at the moment.

    I have often considered other churches,. Christian or other... but I am not sure my mother in law will agree with this as she is a Catholic...

    He has mentioned lately, when he received a camera for his birthday he wanted to take a picture of "God" and that he would go to church to do so...

    I tried calling up my mother in laws church.. as she knows some Priest up in her area.. to try to pull some strings for this kid... but they are soooo "set" in their ways...
  • Aug 29, 2007, 03:35 PM
    Only time will tell. If he wants to go to church his parents should support him. Maybe he doea have a true calling. We will only know as he matures into adulthood. GOD bless.
  • Aug 29, 2007, 04:23 PM
    First he does not have to have "God Parents" while it is great to have them, it is not a set requirement. The only real requirement is that he was baptized. They are wanting some proof. So that may be why they are asking for God Parents who can testify he was baptized.
    It does not matter what church baptised him, only that he was, They do not require a 2nd baptism.

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