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  • Mar 19, 2009, 10:03 AM
    Good news on Gitmo closure?
    That's right ladies and gentleman, good news - the Obama administration is considering releasing some Gitmo detainees... in the U.S according to AG Eric "nation of cowards" Holder.


    For "people who can be released there are a variety of options that we have and among them is the possibility is that we would release them into this country."
    Europe doesn't want them, you can't send them home to be tortured, and you darn sure can't keep them in Gitmo... so the Obama administration is considering helping them get past those pesky passport and security issues to drop them off in your neighborhood. Expect another surge in gun sales soon.
  • Mar 19, 2009, 10:51 AM

    How about the 4th District, Massachusetts, Barney's home? I hear there's loads of compassionate folks.
  • Mar 19, 2009, 11:44 AM

    Hello Steve:

    It IS good news. Thanks.

  • Mar 19, 2009, 12:36 PM
    You're welcome. Mr. Jihad's Neighborhood coming at you.
  • Mar 19, 2009, 03:19 PM

    Hello again, Steve:

    See, here's where you Republicans lose your minds. I don't know how that happens to you. Maybe it's the word Gitmo. Really, in some of your other threads you guys were beginning to make sense.

    Why wouldn't you accept an innocent man into your community? Because he's Muslim?? That's not very American of you.

    Oh, you guys think Obama is going to release the guilty ones like the dude in your post... See? You lost your mind again.

  • Mar 19, 2009, 03:37 PM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again, Steve:

    See, here's where you Republicans lose your minds. I dunno how that happens to you. Maybe it's the word Gitmo. Really, in some of your other threads you guys were beginning to make sense.

    Why wouldn't you accept an innocent man into your community? Because he's Muslim??? That's not very American of you.

    Oh, you guys think Obama is gonna release the guilty ones like the dude in your post.... See?? You lost your mind again.


    Did you see the smiley on the link after Mr. Jihad's Neighborhood? Sometimes the brilliant wit of us conservatives just goes right over your heads around here.

    Fact is though, I don't trust the government so I have no idea who they might release in our land... and I don't think they know "who" they're releasing either.
  • Mar 19, 2009, 03:49 PM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Did you see the smiley on the link after Mr. Jihad's Neighborhood?

    Hello steve:

    Nope. Maybe it's a conservative smiley face that can't be seen by libs.

  • Mar 19, 2009, 03:59 PM

    That is good news. I'm not sure I'd want to be released in the US if I had been held captive by them at Gitmo thou. No I think I'm quite sure if I had been tortured at Gitmo I wouldn't want to be released to live under the government responsible for my torture. Why would their own country torture them if they go home?
  • Mar 19, 2009, 04:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Sunflowers View Post
    Why would their own country torture them if they go home?

    Hello Sun:

    Probably because our government told their government that they were really bad dudes.. That was, of course, BEFORE we had any idea whether some of the people at Gitmo did ANYTHING...

    So, even though WE can't prove they're bad guys, their own country doesn't have to be so magnanimous, and probably won't be.

  • Mar 19, 2009, 04:24 PM

    Among the detainees whose fate remains undetermined are 17 ethnic Uighurs, from the Central Asian region of China, who have been ordered released by a judge. The U.S. has refused to turn the men over to China, which considers them part of an separatist group.
    These Uighurs are Muslims, and China don't much care for Muslims in their midst.
  • Mar 19, 2009, 04:58 PM

    I don't know if you can change someone's mind after you torture them... but under the circumstances I'd say US owes the prisoners who have no where to go assistance to have a better life.
  • Mar 19, 2009, 04:59 PM
    Well there goes the neighborhood ! I know a place in San FranSicko that has plenty of room.San Fran Nan can hire them to pick the grapes at the vineyard (doing jobs Americans won't do... picking grapes... planting IEDs)

    I'm sure they could all get gainful employment in the TSA as security guards . This on the day after the President took the hand guns away from the pilots. I feel safer already !

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