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  • Oct 16, 2022, 05:42 AM
    What's wrong with the Brits?
    How can they let a bunch of teens carry on like this? Back in the day, if I had tried that, a manager would have come along, kicked my tail, and told me to hit the door. And then I would have had to face my parents at home. Have we all become so fearful of being labeled as overly aggressive criminals that we stand around and do nothing while this kind of madness goes on?


    The latest environmentalist trend is here: pouring out milk in grocery stores.
    All across the United Kingdom, teenagers concerned about the environment are doing "milk pours." The new trend involves going into grocery stores, picking up cartons of cow-produced milk, and pouring out their contents, according to the animal rights group Animal Rebellion.
    Videos that have popped up on social media show teens pouring milk onto the floor, over sales counters, and elsewhere in the store.
    Teens are pouring milk out in grocery stores in new trend to raise awareness about dairy production emissions | Fox News
  • Oct 16, 2022, 09:08 AM
    These "milk pours" will have (are having) the opposite effect these teens hope to produce. There are far better ways to accomplish their goal.
  • Oct 16, 2022, 09:47 AM
    Unfortunately these children have been enabled by their respective parents, who will eventually be forced to foot the legal bill for their stupidity.
    While confrontational activism seems to be gaining some traction, the end result is annoyance to the public at large.
    Have a look at the mess that is extinction rebellion and their ilk...

    The motives beggar belief !!!

    Their are far better ways to change people's minds, but this type of thing just gets you derided...
  • Oct 16, 2022, 04:58 PM

    Unfortunately these children have been enabled by their respective parents, who will eventually be forced to foot the legal bill for their stupidity.
    While confrontational activism seems to be gaining some traction, the end result is annoyance to the public at large.
    Have a look at the mess that is extinction rebellion and their ilk...
    That pretty much nails it. I'm just surprised that the police didn't respond quickly to something that crazy.
  • Oct 16, 2022, 05:06 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    That pretty much nails it. I'm just surprised that the police didn't respond quickly to something that crazy.

    Curlyben's link said: "The action comes three months after members of the same group pasted paper over John Constable's the Hay Wain in the same gallery."
  • Oct 16, 2022, 06:35 PM

    Curlyben's link said: "The action comes three months after members of the same group pasted paper over John Constable's the Hay Wain in the same gallery."
    Good point, but it's not speaking of the milk folks but rather the Van Gogh vandals.
  • Oct 16, 2022, 07:09 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Good point, but it's not speaking of the milk folks but rather the Van Gogh vandals.

    Doesn't matter. The intent and purpose are the same.
  • Oct 16, 2022, 07:44 PM

    The intent and purpose are the same.
    It's all on the same level as the BLM riots and the Antifa takeovers. I don't like what's going on, so I can destroy someone else's property to show it. It's childish and despicable.
  • Oct 16, 2022, 11:25 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    It's all on the same level as the BLM riots and the Antifa takeovers. I don't like what's going on, so I can destroy someone else's property to show it. It's childish and despicable.

    Completely different level of utter stupidity, at least BLM and Antifa have a grass roots following rather than being overtly radical in their message.
  • Oct 17, 2022, 05:06 AM
    Today's youth were spared the shadow of nuclear war being constantly in their lives . So when the prospect of real nuclear war is ever increasing their eyes gloss over .

    We lived with the prospect of being drafted to fight wars in Vietnam .Later the youth lived with the alleged threat of being drafted to fight the GWOT war against jihadistan.

    But those wars we punched the clock and retreated from them. So how to motivate the next generation ?

    Increasingly it appears that they are being mobilized to fight a war against the so called threat of climate change .

    You see it in this story over vandals spilling milk . You see it in the Taliban like attempted destruction of Van Gogh art in the London museum. by activists who wore clothing ;hair dye ,plastic nails... all made from petroleum products

    I don't know .... seems to me the environmental damage cause by what Clueless Joes calls the coming Apocalypse would be much more that the damage caused by a change of earth's temps of a degree in the next century .

    Btw these Huns in Britain are pikers to the envirowackos we have here . In the US we have pyro-terrorists who torch forests and blame it on climate change. There are many eco-terrorist organization from Animal Liberation Front (origins in Britain but migrated to the US) ;Earth Liberation Front .

    They make other enviro-wacko organizations like Greenpeace and PETA(people eat tasty animals ) look tame in comparison (even though they too conduct their own brands of eco-terrorism) .

    But back to spilt milk.

    These animal rights groups core beliefs come from wacko philosophies from Pete Singer's 1975 book 'Animal Liberation' which proposed that the interests of humans and the interests of animals deserve equal consideration . Tom Regan took the nuttiness even further by arguing that because some animals have the ability to feel pain, they should be treated with the same moral standards as humans. To that extent they want to end "speciesism "... discrimination of beings on the based of their species.
    They don't want to just improve the animal's condition .They want them to be considered as equal to humans and having the same rights.
    And since these animals cannot defend themselves ;that they are a mobilized army for the animal's defense . That makes any act of vandalism and arson justified .

    In the US ;between January 1994 and January 2021, animal rights extremists conducted 82 attacks and plots. Most attacks were against businesses ;but they also hit government and education institutions .as well as private individuals and transportation infrastructure. Explosives and incendiaries were used in 87% of incidents.

    Not to worry .The Justice Dept's emphasis on combatting domestic terrorist placed these incidents low on the totem poll compared to parents attending school board meetings .
  • Oct 17, 2022, 05:08 AM

    Completely different level of utter stupidity, at least BLM and Antifa have a grass roots following
    So if you have a "grass roots following", it's OK to engage in property destruction? That's a really strange idea. The difference in level is really in the difference in the scale of violence and destruction. Burning entire city blocks and emptying stores through theft is far more sinister than pouring out some milk or pouring tomato juice on a painting.


    Tom Regan took the nuttiness even further by arguing that because some animals have the ability to feel pain, they should be treated with the same moral standards as humans.
    Strange how the sensation of pain is presented as elevating various species to human status, and yet when unborn children feel pain in the violent process of abortion, that is considered as nothing.
  • Oct 17, 2022, 05:09 AM
    Anifa was involved in violent eco-demonstrations in Portland that started when Greta Thunberg sad "how dare you "

    The Violence at Portland's Climate March Shows How Antifa Puts Law-Abiding Citizens at Risk | Opinion (
  • Oct 17, 2022, 05:15 AM
    Ben just a thought . Over here you cannot enter a museum without first having bags checked and going through a metal detector . That would prevent people concerned about poverty and hunger from throwing soup.
  • Oct 17, 2022, 05:24 AM

    Over here you cannot enter a museum without first having bags checked and going through a metal detector .
    What a sad commentary on our culture.
  • Oct 17, 2022, 05:49 AM

    Tom Regan took the nuttiness even further by arguing that because some animals have the ability to feel pain, they should be treated with the same moral standards as humans.

    Strange how the sensation of pain is presented as elevating various species to human status, and yet when unborn children feel pain in the violent process of abortion, that is considered as nothing
    As Orwell taught us ; some animals are more equal than others
  • Oct 17, 2022, 09:50 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    when unborn children feel pain in the violent process of abortion

    Please explain.
  • Oct 17, 2022, 10:04 AM

    when unborn children feel pain in the violent process of abortion
    "Please explain." Gladly.


    1. Pain receptors develop early.

    In her testimony before Congress in May of 2012, Dr. Colleen Malloy, MD, a board certified Neonatologist and Assistant Professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, described the following developmental milestones of an unborn child, indicating very early perception of pain:

    • At 8 weeks gestation, facial sensory receptors appear.
    • At 14 weeks gestation, sensory fibers grow into the spinal cord and connections are made with the thalamus (part of the brain).
    • Between 13 and 16 weeks gestation, monoamine fibers (nerve cells or fibers) reach the cerebral cortex (another part of the brain).
    • Between 17 and 20 weeks gestation, thalamo-cortical relays (pathways to the brain for sensory information) penetrate the cortex.
    • No later than 20 weeks gestation, pain receptors are present and linked.

    2. Unborn babies “flinch, jerk, and recoil” from sharp objects.

    From her professional experience, Dr. Malloy explains that new technologies, such as the 4D ultrasound, show vivid images of babies kicking and moving in utero. That being said, she attests that a baby at just 8 weeks gestation can be seen moving in response to stimuli. By 20 weeks gestation, the baby will respond to sound and move, wince, and recoil from sharp objects and incisions. For instance, when sampling blood from the liver, the baby in utero will move away from the needle.
    Does an unborn baby feel pain? If so...when? - Illinois Right to Life

    Is probably earlier than 20 weeks.

    Washington, D.C. – A new study “Reconsidering Fetal Pain” confirms that babies in the womb can feel pain as early as 12 weeks old. Writing in the Journal of Medical Ethics, Stuart W.G. Derbyshire and John C. Bockmann state:
    “Overall, the evidence, and a balanced reading of the evidence, points towards an immediate and unreflective pain experience mediated by the developing function of the nervous system as early as 12 weeks.”

    New Study Shows Unborn Babies Feel Pain at 12 Weeks - Charlotte Lozier Institute
  • Oct 17, 2022, 10:12 AM
    This ghastly description is incredible.


    Abortions after 13 weeks are typically either medical or surgical.8 Medical abortions involve a drug or drug combination provided to the patient to induce abortion. Today the drug combination is commonly mifepristone and misoprostol that do not kill the fetus. Fetal death follows either direct feticide (an injection of potassium chloride directly into the fetal heart or an injection of digoxin directly into the fetus or intra-amniotically) or the trauma of labour. The most common surgical technique is dilatation and evacuation (D&E). In a D&E, the cervix is dilated, the amniotic fluid drained, and the fetus is removed in pieces via several surgical manoeuvres using grasping forceps. Again fetal death follows either direct feticide performed before the D&E or the trauma of the D&E results in the death of the fetus.
    Reconsidering fetal pain | Journal of Medical Ethics (
  • Oct 17, 2022, 10:28 AM
    British spelling, at least one misspelling, and a very incorrect and outdated description from the National University of Singapore???
  • Oct 17, 2022, 11:01 AM
    A 2020 article from the Journal of Medical Ethics is outdated?

    What description did you find that was incorrect or outdated? Please be specific.

    The National University of Singapore is a well-respected research university.

    Are you a snooty American that considers "British spelling" to be somehow inferior??

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