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  • Mar 25, 2014, 06:08 AM
    Where to Fine Best Custom Printed Boxes?
    Hello everyone. I am new at I want to buy some custom printed software boxes with my artwork on it. So kindly refer me any Box Printing company which is best in its quality and also trust-able. Thank you
  • Mar 25, 2014, 07:50 AM
    We do not maintain any customer base references here. You may be in Detroit or Hong Kong. You will need to do some internet searching or local resourcing.
  • Mar 25, 2014, 08:06 AM
    You are going to pay as much for 10,000 boxes as you will for 500. There is a huge set up cost. You might be better served buying a good color printer and flat, precut boxes and making your own.
    Try alibaba.
    PS: No one sells software in a cardboard box anymore. What is it about yours that would lend itself to such an investment?
    At best, software is sold in jewel cases (CD/DVD clear plastic boxes) and you put your artwork on a slip of paper inserted in the cover, and instructions on the disk, or on another slip of paper at the bottom of the box.

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